Perforce Chronicle 2012.2/486814
API Documentation

Content_Test_IndexControllerTest Class Reference

Test the content index controller. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 _createTestTypeAndEntry ($includeId=false)
 Create a type and a entry for testing.
 setUp ()
 Perform setup.
 testAddBadPost ()
 Test add action with bad details.
 testAddGoodPost ()
 Test add action with good details.
 testAddGoodPostWithId ()
 Test add action with good details, and a content type that has an id.
 testAddNoPostTypeExists ()
 Test add action without post, using an existing type.
 testAddNoPostTypeParam ()
 Test add action without post, manipulating the type param.
 testBadBatch ()
 Test creating a bad batch.
 testBadLayoutSelection ()
 Test invalid layout fallback to default.
 testBadView ()
 Test viewing non-existant content.
 testChooseType ()
 Test choose type directly.
 testCustomLayoutSelection ()
 Test valid custom layout.
 testDefaultLayoutSelection ()
 Test default layout.
 testDeleteInvalidId ()
 Test delete action.
 testDeleteInvalidRequestMethod ()
 Test deleting an invalid request method.
 testDownload ()
 Test downloading.
 testEditBadPost ()
 Test edit action with a bad post.
 testEditGoodPost ()
 Test edit action with a good post.
 testEditGoodPostWithId ()
 Test edit action with a good post, content type uses an id field.
 testEditNoPost ()
 Test edit action with no post.
 testFormAction ()
 Test the form action.
 testGoodBatch ()
 Test creating a proper batch.
 testGoodView ()
 Test viewing content.
 testImageAdjust ()
 Test image action with requested transformations.
 testIndex ()
 Test view action.
 testInvalidImage ()
 Test finding invalid images in content.
 testJsonDelete ()
 Test performing delete in json context.
 testManage ()
 Test the manage action.
 testMultipleDelete ()
 Test delete multiple entries in batch.
 testOpenedAction ()
 test the opened action
 testSecurity ()
 Test data are escaped in the view according to attached display filters.
 testStandardDelete ()
 Test performing a standard delete.
 testSubForm ()
 Test getting content sub-forms.
 testValidateFieldBadContentType ()
 Test validateField w.
 testValidateFieldBadField ()
 Test validate w.
 testValidateFieldBadValue ()
 Test validate w.
 testValidateFieldGoodValue ()
 Test validate w.
 testValidateFieldNoParams ()
 Test validateField w.
 testValidImage ()
 Test finding valid images in content.
 testView ()
 Test the view action.
 testViewScriptSelection ()
 Test view script selection (more specific to less specific).

Public Attributes

 $bootstrap = array('Bootstrap', 'run')

Protected Member Functions

 _createContent ()
 Create several test content entries.

Detailed Description

Test the content index controller.

2011-2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved
Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.

Member Function Documentation

Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::_createContent ( ) [protected]

Create several test content entries.

        // test type content
        $entry = new P4Cms_Content;
              ->setValue('title', 'My Title')
              ->setValue('body',  'My content body')

        // test type w. id content
        $entry = new P4Cms_Content;
              ->setValue('title', 'My Title')
              ->setValue('body',  'My content body')

        // test type w. file
        $entry = new P4Cms_Content;
              ->setValue('title', 'My Title')
              ->setValue('file',  'test file content')
                array('filename' => 'myfile.txt', 'mimeType' => 'text/plain')

        // test type w. image
        $entry = new P4Cms_Content;
              ->setValue('title', 'Test Image')
              ->setValue('file',  'test image content')
                array('filename' => 'image.jpg', 'mimeType' => 'image/jpg')
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::_createTestTypeAndEntry ( includeId = false)

Create a type and a entry for testing.

integer$includeIdFlag whether to include id
        $elements = array(
            'title' => array(
                'type'      => 'text',
                'options'   => array('label' => 'Title', 'required' => true),
            'body'  => array(
                'type'      => 'textarea',
                'options'   => array('label' => 'Body'),
            'abstract'  => array(
                'type'      => 'textarea',
                'options'   => array('label' => 'Abstract'),
        if ($includeId) {
            $elements['id'] = array(
                'type'      => 'text',
                'options'   => array('label' => 'ID', 'required' => true)
        $type = new P4Cms_Content_Type;
             ->setLabel("Test Type")
             ->setValue('icon', file_get_contents(TEST_ASSETS_PATH . '/images/content-type-icon.png'))
             ->setFieldMetadata('icon', array("mimeType" => "image/png"))

        $entry = new P4Cms_Content;
              ->setValue('title', 'Test Title')
              ->setValue('body', 'The body of the test')
              ->setValue('abstract', 'abstract this');
        if ($includeId) {
        } else {
        $entry->save('a test entry');

        return array($type, $entry);
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::setUp ( )

Perform setup.


        // ensure a type is present for testing.
        $type = new P4Cms_Content_Type;
             ->setLabel('Test Type')
                    "title" => array(
                        "type"      => "text",
                        "options"   => array("label" => "Title", "required" => true)
                    "body"  => array(
                        "type"      => "textarea",
                        "options"   => array("label" => "Body")
             ->setValue('icon', file_get_contents(TEST_ASSETS_PATH . "/images/content-type-icon.png"))
             ->setFieldMetadata('icon', array("mimeType" => "image/png"))
             ->setValue('group', 'test')

        // ensure a type w. id is present for testing.
        $type = new P4Cms_Content_Type;
             ->setLabel('Test Type')
                    "id" => array(
                        "type"      => "text",
                        "options"   => array("label" => "Title", "required" => true)
                    "title" => array(
                        "type"      => "text",
                        "options"   => array("label" => "Title", "required" => true)
                    "body"  => array(
                        "type"      => "textarea",
                        "options"   => array("label" => "Body")
             ->setValue('icon', file_get_contents(TEST_ASSETS_PATH . "/images/content-type-icon.png"))
             ->setFieldMetadata('icon', array("mimeType" => "image/png"))
             ->setValue('group', 'test')

        // ensure a type w. a file is present for testing.
        $type = new P4Cms_Content_Type;
             ->setLabel('Test Type')
                    "title" => array(
                        "type"      => "text",
                        "options"   => array("label" => "Title", "required" => true)
                    "name"  => array(
                        "type"      => "file",
                        "options"   => array("label" => "File")
             ->setValue('icon', file_get_contents(TEST_ASSETS_PATH . "/images/content-type-icon.png"))
             ->setFieldMetadata('icon', array("mimeType" => "image/png"))
             ->setValue('group', 'test2')
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testAddBadPost ( )

Test add action with bad details.


        // create a type
        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry();

        $params = array(
            'contentType'   => $type->getId(),
            'title'         => '',
            'body'          => '',
            'format'        => 'dojoio'

        $this->assertModule('content', 'Last module run should be content module.');
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('add', 'Expected action');

        $body = $this->response->getBody();
        $this->assertRegexp('/title[^}]*isEmpty/', $body, 'Expect id validation failure');

Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testAddGoodPost ( )

Test add action with good details.


        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry();

        $title = 'Second Title';
        $body = 'The 2nd body.';
        $params = array(
            'contentType'   => $type->getId(),
            'title'         => $title,
            'body'          => $body,
            'format'        => 'json',
            'comment'       => 'user note'

        $response = Zend_Json::decode($this->response->getBody());
        $this->assertModule('content', 'Last module run should be content module.');
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller.');
        $this->assertAction('add', 'Expected action.');

        $this->assertResponseCode(200, 'Expected response code.');
        $this->assertTrue(isset($response['contentId']), 'Expected content id');

        $fetched = P4Cms_Content::fetch($response['contentId']);
        $change  = $fetched->toP4File()->getChange();
        $this->assertSame($title, $fetched->getValue('title'), 'Expected title in saved content');
        $this->assertSame($body, $fetched->getValue('body'), 'Expected body in saved content');
        $this->assertSame('user note', trim($change->getDescription()), 'Expected change description');
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testAddGoodPostWithId ( )

Test add action with good details, and a content type that has an id.


        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry(true);

        $title = 'Second Title';
        $body = 'The 2nd body.';
        $newId = 'newId';
        $params = array(
            'contentType'   => $type->getId(),
            'id'            => 'newId',
            'title'         => $title,
            'body'          => $body,
            'format'        => 'dojoio'
        $responseBody = $this->response->getBody();
        $this->assertModule('content', 'Last module run should be content module.'. $responseBody);
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller.'. $responseBody);
        $this->assertAction('add', 'Expected action.'. $responseBody);

        $this->assertResponseCode(200, 'Expected response code.'. $responseBody);
        $this->assertRegexp('/contentId.+'. $newId .'/', $responseBody, 'Expected content id');

        $fetched = P4Cms_Content::fetch($newId);
        $this->assertSame($title, $fetched->getValue('title'), 'Expected title in saved content');
        $this->assertSame($body, $fetched->getValue('body'), 'Expected body in saved content');
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testAddNoPostTypeExists ( )

Test add action without post, using an existing type.


        // create a type
        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry();

        $this->request->setParam('type', $type->getId());
        $this->assertModule('content', 'Last module run should be content module.');
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('add', 'Expected action');

        // check that output looks correct.
            'Expected content-type to be specified in entry widget'
            'Expected body element.'
            'Expected abstract element.'
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testAddNoPostTypeParam ( )

Test add action without post, manipulating the type param.


        // test without a type
        $this->assertModule('content', 'Last module run should be content module.');
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('choose-type', 'Expected action');


        $this->request->setParam('type', 'doesnotexist');
        $this->assertModule('content', 'Last module run should be content module.');
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('choose-type', 'Expected action');
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testBadBatch ( )

Test creating a bad batch.


        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry();

                throw new Exception("Take that batch!");

        $title  = 'Second Title';
        $body   = 'The 2nd body.';
        $params = array(
            'contentType'   => $type->getId(),
            'title'         => $title,
            'body'          => $body,
            'format'        => 'dojoio'

        try {
            $this->fail("Expected exception.");
        } catch (Exception $e) {

            // ensure batch reverted.
            $adapter = P4Cms_Record::getDefaultAdapter();

Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testBadLayoutSelection ( )

Test invalid layout fallback to default.


        $type = P4Cms_Content_Type::fetch('test-type');

        // should use default layout.
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testBadView ( )

Test viewing non-existant content.


        // test view w. invalid id.
        $this->request->setParam('id', 'test567');
        $responseBody = $this->getResponse()->getBody();
        $this->assertModule('error', 'Expected module.'. $responseBody);
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller.'. $responseBody);
        $this->assertAction('page-not-found', 'Expected action.'. $responseBody);
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testChooseType ( )

Test choose type directly.

        $this->assertModule('content', 'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('choose-type', 'Expected action');

        $body = $this->response->getBody();
        $this->assertQuery('div[title="Pages"]', 'Expect to find Pages group');
            '/<a href="\/add\/type\/test-type">Test Type<\/a>/',
            "Expected to find test type.\n$body"
            '/<a href="\/add\/type\/basic-page">Basic Page<\/a>/',
            "Expected to find page module default type.\n$body"
        $this->assertRegexp('/<body/', "Expect a body tag in this request\n$body");
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testCustomLayoutSelection ( )

Test valid custom layout.


        $type = P4Cms_Content_Type::fetch('test-type');

        // should use blank layout.
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testDefaultLayoutSelection ( )

Test default layout.



        // should use default layout.
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testDeleteInvalidId ( )

Test delete action.


        $this->request->setPost(array('ids' => array('not-exist')));

        $this->assertModule('content', __LINE__ .': Last module run should be content module.');
        $this->assertController('index', __LINE__ .': Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('delete', __LINE__ .': Expected action');

        // ensure no entries have been deleted
        $response = Zend_Json::decode($this->response->getBody());
            "Expected no entries have been deleted."
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testDeleteInvalidRequestMethod ( )

Test deleting an invalid request method.

        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry();
        $this->dispatch('/content/delete/id/'. $entry->getId());
        $this->assertModule('error', 'Expected error module.');
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testDownload ( )

Test downloading.


        // create content entry to be deleted.

        $this->request->setParam('id', 'test890');
        $this->assertModule('content',   'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('download',  'Expected action');

        // ensure content delivered.
            "test file content"

        // check headers.
        $headers = $this->response->sendHeaders();
            'Content-Type: text/plain'
            'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="myfile.txt"'
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testEditBadPost ( )

Test edit action with a bad post.


        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry();

        $title = 'Another Title';
        $body = 'The second body.';
        $params = array(
            'title'     => '',
            'body'      => '',
            'format'    => 'dojoio'
        $this->request->setParam('id', $entry->getId());
        $this->assertModule('content', 'Last module run should be content module.');
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('edit', 'Expected action');

        $responseBody = $this->response->getBody();
        $this->assertRegexp('/title[^}]*isEmpty/', $responseBody, 'Expect title validation failure');
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testEditGoodPost ( )

Test edit action with a good post.


        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry();

        $title = 'Another Title';
        $body = 'The second body.';
        $params = array(
            'contentType'   => $type->getId(),
            'id'            => $entry->getId(),
            'title'         => $title,
            'body'          => $body,
            'format'        => 'dojoio'
        $this->request->setParam('id', $entry->getId());
        $responseBody = $this->response->getBody();
        $this->assertModule('content', 'Last module run should be content module.'. $responseBody);
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller.'. $responseBody);
        $this->assertAction('edit', 'Expected action.'. $responseBody);

        $this->assertResponseCode(200, 'Expected response code.'. $responseBody);
        $this->assertRegexp('/contentId.+'. $entry->getId() .'/', $responseBody, 'Expected content id');

        $fetched = P4Cms_Content::fetch($entry->getId());
        $this->assertSame($title, $fetched->getValue('title'), 'Expected title in saved content');
        $this->assertSame($body, $fetched->getValue('body'), 'Expected body in saved content');
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testEditGoodPostWithId ( )

Test edit action with a good post, content type uses an id field.


        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry(true);

        $title = 'Another Title';
        $body = 'The second body.';
        $params = array(
            'contentType'   => $type->getId(),
            'id'            => $entry->getId(),
            'title'         => $title,
            'body'          => $body,
            'format'        => 'dojoio'
        $this->request->setParam('id', $entry->getId());
        $responseBody = $this->response->getBody();
        $this->assertModule('content', 'Last module run should be content module.'. $responseBody);
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller.'. $responseBody);
        $this->assertAction('edit', 'Expected action.'. $responseBody);

        $this->assertResponseCode(200, 'Expected response code.'. $responseBody);
        $this->assertRegexp('/contentId.+'. $entry->getId() .'/', $responseBody, 'Expected content id');

        $fetched = P4Cms_Content::fetch($entry->getId());
        $this->assertSame($title, $fetched->getValue('title'), 'Expected title in saved content');
        $this->assertSame($body, $fetched->getValue('body'), 'Expected body in saved content');
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testEditNoPost ( )

Test edit action with no post.


        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry();

        $this->request->setParam('id', $entry->getId());
        $this->assertModule('content', 'Last module run should be content module.');
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('edit', 'Expected action');

        $responseBody = $this->response->getBody();
            'Expect JS edit mode enable code'.$responseBody
            'div#content-entry-' . $entry->getId() . '[contentType="' . $type->getId() . '"]',
            'Expected content-type to be specified in entry widget'

            'Expected title element.'
            'Expected body element.'
            'Expected abstract element.'
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testFormAction ( )

Test the form action.

        // ensure no entry/type id causes error.
        $responseBody = $this->getResponse()->getBody();
        $this->assertModule('error', 'Last module run should be error module.'. $responseBody);
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller.'. $responseBody);
        $this->assertAction('error', 'Expected action.'. $responseBody);
        $this->assertResponseCode(500, 'Expected response code with no id.'. $responseBody);
            '/Cannot get content type. The content type has not been set./',
            'Expected error message.'

        // again with a content id
        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry(true);
        $this->dispatch('/content/form/id/'. $entry->getId());
        $responseBody = $this->getResponse()->getBody();
        $this->assertModule('content', __LINE__ .'Last module run should be content module.'. $responseBody);
        $this->assertController('index', __LINE__ .'Expected controller.'. $responseBody);
        $this->assertAction('form', __LINE__ .'Expected action.'. $responseBody);

        $this->assertResponseCode(200, __LINE__ .'Expected response code with id.'. $responseBody);
            __LINE__ .': Expected title element.'
            __LINE__ .': Expected body element.'
            __LINE__ .': Expected abstract element.'


        // again with a content type specified
        $this->dispatch('/content/form/contentType/'. $type->getId());
        $responseBody = $this->getResponse()->getBody();
        $this->assertModule('content', __LINE__ .': Expected module.'. $responseBody);
        $this->assertController('index', __LINE__ .': Expected controller.'. $responseBody);
        $this->assertAction('form', __LINE__ .': Expected action.'. $responseBody);

        $this->assertResponseCode(200, __LINE__ .'Expected response code with type.'. $responseBody);
            __LINE__ .': Expected title element.'. $responseBody
            __LINE__ .': Expected body element.'. $responseBody
            __LINE__ .': Expected abstract element.'. $responseBody
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testGoodBatch ( )

Test creating a proper batch.


        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry();

        // create a test category.
        Category_Model_Category::store(array('id' => 'test'));

        // count the number of changes pre-save.
        $changeCount = $changes = P4_Change::fetchAll()->count();

        $title  = 'Second Title';
        $body   = 'The 2nd body.';
        $params = array(
            'contentType'   => $type->getId(),
            'title'         => $title,
            'body'          => $body,
            'format'        => 'dojoio',
            'category'      => array(
                'categories' => array('test')


        // ensure save produced a single change with multiple files.
        $changes = P4_Change::fetchAll();
        $change  = P4_Change::fetch($changeCount + 1);
            $changeCount + 1,
            "Expected save to produce one change."
        $this->assertTrue(count($change->getFiles()) > 1);
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testGoodView ( )

Test viewing content.


        // create content entry to be viewed.

        $this->request->setParam('id', 'test567');
        $responseBody = $this->getResponse()->getBody();
        $this->assertModule('content', 'Expected module.'. $responseBody);
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller'. $responseBody);
        $this->assertAction('view', 'Expected action'. $responseBody);

        // check that correct data is displayed.
        $this->assertQueryContentRegex('div[@elementname="title"]', '/My Title/', $responseBody);
        $this->assertQueryContentRegex('div[@elementname="body"]',  '/My content body/', $responseBody);
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testImageAdjust ( )

Test image action with requested transformations.

        // as this will properly work only with some image driver, we skip this test
        // in the case when no image driver can be created or no jpeg support
        try {
        } catch (P4Cms_Image_Exception $e) {
            $this->markTestSkipped("No image drivers available.");

        $image = new P4Cms_Image;
        if (!$image->isSupportedType('jpeg')) {
            $this->markTestSkipped("Unsupported jpeg image format.");


        // create record with a real image (200x46 pixels)
        $imageData = @file_get_contents(TEST_ASSETS_PATH . '/images/perforce-logo.jpg');
        $entry     = new P4Cms_Content;
              ->setValue('title', 'Test Image')
              ->setValue('file',  $imageData)
                array('filename' => 'image.jpg', 'mimeType' => 'image/jpg')

        $tests = array(
                'params'            => array(),
                'outputDimensions'  => array(
                    'width'     => 200,
                    'height'    => 46
                'line'              => __LINE__
                'params'            => array(
                    'sharpen'   => '1'
                'outputDimensions'  => array(
                    'width'     => 200,
                    'height'    => 46
                'line'              => __LINE__
                'params'            => array(
                    'width'     => '150'
                'outputDimensions'  => array(
                    'width'     => 150,
                    'height'    => 35
                'line'              => __LINE__
                'params'            => array(
                    'height'    => '23'
                'outputDimensions'  => array(
                    'width'     => 100,
                    'height'    => 23
                'line'              => __LINE__
                'params'            => array(
                    'width'     => '73',
                    'height'    => '127'
                'outputDimensions'  => array(
                    'width'     => 73,
                    'height'    => 127
                'line'              => __LINE__
                'params'            => array(
                    'maxWidth'  => '100'
                'outputDimensions'  => array(
                    'width'     => 100,
                    'height'    => 23
                'line'              => __LINE__
                'params'            => array(
                    'maxWidth'  => '500'
                'outputDimensions'  => array(
                    'width'     => 200,
                    'height'    => 46
                'line'              => __LINE__
                'params'            => array(
                    'maxHeight' => '30'
                'outputDimensions'  => array(
                    'width'     => 130,
                    'height'    => 30
                'line'              => __LINE__
                'params'            => array(
                    'maxHeight' => '500'
                'outputDimensions'  => array(
                    'width'     => 200,
                    'height'    => 46
                'line'              => __LINE__
                'params'            => array(
                    'width'     => '300',
                    'maxWidth'  => '152'
                'outputDimensions'  => array(
                    'width'     => 152,
                    'height'    => 35
                'line'              => __LINE__
                'params'            => array(
                    'height'    => '300',
                    'maxHeight' => '152'
                'outputDimensions'  => array(
                    'width'     => 661,
                    'height'    => 152
                'line'              => __LINE__
                'params'            => array(
                    'height'    => '92',
                    'maxWidth'  => '300'
                'outputDimensions'  => array(
                    'width'     => 300,
                    'height'    => 69
                'line'              => __LINE__
                'params'            => array(
                    'width'     => '150',
                    'maxHeight' => '50'
                'outputDimensions'  => array(
                    'width'     => 150,
                    'height'    => 35
                'line'              => __LINE__
                'params'            => array(
                    'width'     => '450',
                    'height'    => '150',
                    'maxWidth'  => '300',
                    'maxHeight' => '100'
                'outputDimensions'  => array(
                    'width'     => 300,
                    'height'    => 100
                'line'              => __LINE__
                'params'            => array(
                    'width'     => '450',
                    'height'    => '150',
                    'maxWidth'  => '300',
                    'maxHeight' => '55'
                'outputDimensions'  => array(
                    'width'     => 165,
                    'height'    => 55
                'line'              => __LINE__

        // run tests
        foreach ($tests as $test) {

            $params = array_merge(
                array('id' => 'image-test'),

            $this->assertModule('content',   'Expected module.');
            $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller');
            $this->assertAction('image',     'Expected action');

            // check dimensions of the output image
            $dimensions = $image

                "Line {$test['line']}: Expected output image width."
                "Line {$test['line']}: Expected output image height."
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testIndex ( )

Test view action.


        $body = $this->response->getBody();
        $this->assertModule('content', 'Last module run should be content module.'. $body);
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller'. $body);
        $this->assertAction('index', 'Expected action'. $body);

        // check that output looks sane.
            '#content p',
            '/This site does not contain any content/',
            'Expect the no content paragraph.'

        // create a content entry, and make sure it appears in the index.
        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry();


        $this->assertModule('content', 'Last module run should be content module.');
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('index', 'Expected action');

        // check that output looks correct.
            '#content ul.content-list li h2 a',
            'Expect the correct title.'
            '#content ul.content-list li p.content-excerpt',
            'Expect the correct excerpt.'
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testInvalidImage ( )

Test finding invalid images in content.


        // create content entry to be downloaded.

        $this->request->setParam('id', 'test890');

        // verify that an invalid image gives a 404 response
        $response = $this->response->getHttpResponseCode();

Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testJsonDelete ( )

Test performing delete in json context.


        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry();

        $this->request->setPost(array('ids' => array(1)));

        $this->assertModule('content', __LINE__ .': Last module run should be content module.');
        $this->assertController('index', __LINE__ .': Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('delete', __LINE__ .': Expected action');

        // ensure 1 entry have been deleted
        $response = Zend_Json::decode($this->response->getBody());
            "Expected entry '1' has been deleted."

        // ensure that entry id can be passed via 'id' parameter as well


        $this->assertModule('content', __LINE__ .': Last module run should be content module.');
        $this->assertController('index', __LINE__ .': Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('delete', __LINE__ .': Expected action');

        // ensure 1 entry have been deleted
        $response = Zend_Json::decode($this->response->getBody());
            "Expected entry '7' has been deleted."
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testManage ( )

Test the manage action.


        $body = $this->response->getBody();
        $this->assertModule('content', 'Expected module, dispatch #1. '. $body);
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller, dispatch #1 '. $body);
        $this->assertAction('manage', 'Expected action, dispatch #1 '. $body);

        // ensure table and dojo data elements exist
        $this->assertXpath('//div[@dojotype=""]', 'Expected div');
        $this->assertXpath('//table[@dojotype="p4cms.ui.grid.DataGrid"]', 'Expected dojox.grid table');

        // ensure add content button appears
        $this->assertXpath('//button[@class="add-button"]', 'Expected add button. '. $body);

        // check initial JSON output
        $body = $this->response->getBody();
        $this->assertModule('content', 'Expected module, dispatch #2. '. $body);
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller, dispatch #2 '. $body);
        $this->assertAction('browse', 'Expected action, dispatch #2 '. $body);

        $data = Zend_Json::decode($body);
            'Expected no items'

        // create several content entries.
        $expected = array();
        $order = array (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
        foreach ($order as $i) {
            $entry = new P4Cms_Content;
                  ->setValue('contentType', 'test-type')
                  ->setValue('title',       "title $i")
                  ->setValue('file',        str_repeat('.', $i))

            $expected[] = array(
                'id'            => "test$i",
                'title'         => "title $i",
                'type'          => array(
                                     "label"       => $entry->getContentType()->getLabel(),
                                     "description" => $entry->getContentType()->getDescription(),
                                     "fields"      => $entry->getContentType()->getElementNames()
                'icon'          => '/type/icon/id/test-type',
                'excerpt'       => "",
                "#REdate"       => "just now",
                'rawDate'       => $entry->getModTime(),
                'deleted'       => '',
                'version'       => "1",
                'privileges'    => P4Cms_User::fetchActive()->getAllowedPrivileges("content/$i"),

        // check again and ensure entries appear.
        $this->request->setParam('sort', 'title');
        $body = $this->response->getBody();
        $this->assertModule('content', 'Expected module, dispatch #3. '. $body);
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller, dispatch #3 '. $body);
        $this->assertAction('browse', 'Expected action, dispatch #3 '. $body);

        $body = $this->response->getBody();
        $data = Zend_Json::decode($body);

        // ensure that all entries in expected are contained in data items - we cannot
        // compare whole arrays as there might be items added by other modules
        foreach ($expected as $key => $expectedValues) {
                array_intersect($expectedValues, $data['items'][$key]),
                "Expected items for index: $key"
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testMultipleDelete ( )

Test delete multiple entries in batch.


        // create 5 test entries with ids 1 to 5
        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry();
        for ($i = 2; $i <= 5; $i++) {

        // ensure that if no ids are passed, no entries will be deleted

        $response = Zend_Json::decode($this->response->getBody());
            "Expected no entries were deleted."
            "Expected no entries were deleted."

        // delete entries 1,3, and 4

                'ids'     => array(1, 3, 4),
                'comment' => 'delete 3 entries in a batch'

        $response = Zend_Json::decode($this->response->getBody());

            array('1', '3', '4'),
            "Expected entries 1,3 and 4 have been deleted."

        // verify that all entries were deleted in the same changelist
        $entry1 = P4Cms_Content::fetch('1', array('includeDeleted' => true));
        $entry3 = P4Cms_Content::fetch('3', array('includeDeleted' => true));
        $entry4 = P4Cms_Content::fetch('4', array('includeDeleted' => true));

            "Expected entries 1,3 were submitted in the same change."
            "Expected entries 1,4 were submitted in the same change."

        // ensure no other files were submitted in the same changelist
            "Expected no other entries were submitted in the same change."

        // verify that comment was saved in changelist decription
            "delete 3 entries in a batch\n",
            "Expected changelist description"
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testOpenedAction ( )

test the opened action


        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry();

        $this->request->setParam('id', $entry->getId());
        $this->assertModule('content', 'Last module run should be content module.');
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('opened', 'Expected action');

        $data = Zend_Json_Decoder::decode($this->response->getBody());
                'change' => array(
                    'User'          => 'tester',
                    'Status'        => 'submitted',
                    'Type'          => 'public',
                    'Description'   => "a test entry\n",
                    'JobStatus'     => NULL,
                    'Jobs'          => array(),
                    'Files'         => array('//chronicle-test/live/content/1#1')
                'status' => array(
                    'Version'       => '1',
                    'Action'        => 'add'
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testSecurity ( )

Test data are escaped in the view according to attached display filters.


        // create content type for testing with display filters
        $elements = array(
            'id'    => array(
                'type'      => 'text'
            'title' => array(
                'type'      => 'text',
                'options'   => array('label' => 'Title', 'required' => true),
                'display'   => array('filters' => array("HtmlSpecialChars"))
            'body'  => array(
                'type'      => 'textarea',
                'options'   => array('label' => 'Body')
        $type = new P4Cms_Content_Type;
             ->setLabel("Test Type")

        // ensure content is saved into perforce unescaped
        $title  = "Escape test <script> a ( / & 1";
        $body   = "<a>1 & 2</a>";
        $params = array(
            'contentType'   => 'test-type',
            'id'            => 'test1',
            'title'         => $title,
            'body'          => $body,
            'format'        => 'dojoio'
        $responseBody = $this->response->getBody();
        $this->assertModule('content',   'Expected module; '. $responseBody);
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller; '. $responseBody);
        $this->assertAction('add',       'Expected action; '. $responseBody);

        $entry = P4Cms_Content::fetch('test1');
            "Expected content entry title value."
            "Expected content entry body value."

        // ensure data in the view are escaped according to filters
        $responseBody = $this->response->getBody();
        $this->assertModule('content',   'Expected module; '. $responseBody);
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller; '. $responseBody);
        $this->assertAction('view',      'Expected action; '. $responseBody);

        // ensure title output is escaped
            'div[elementName="title"] span',
            "/Escape test &lt;script&gt; a \( \/ &amp; 1/",
            __LINE__ .': Expected title element value.'

        // ensure no escaping is done on body as no display filters have been set
        // @note we parse the output directly as assertQueryContentRegex from some reason
        // requires pattern to be /<a>1 &amp; 2<\/a>/ although the output doesn't contain &amp;
        $pathPattern  = '<div[^>]+elementName="body"';
        $valuePattern = '<a>1 & 2<\/a>';
            preg_match("/{$pathPattern}[^\/]+{$valuePattern}/", $responseBody) === 1,
            __LINE__ .': Expected body element value.'
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testStandardDelete ( )

Test performing a standard delete.


        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry();
        $this->dispatch('/content/delete/id/'. $entry->getId());
        $responseBody = $this->getResponse()->getBody();
        $this->assertModule('content', __LINE__ .': Last module run should be content module.'. $responseBody);
        $this->assertController('index', __LINE__ .': Expected controller'. $responseBody);
        $this->assertAction('delete', __LINE__ .': Expected action'. $responseBody);

        // expect redirect to manage index.
        $this->assertRedirectTo('/', __LINE__ .': Expect redirect to content manage index.'. $responseBody);
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testSubForm ( )

Test getting content sub-forms.


        // create a category so the sub form will contain one.
        $type = new P4Cms_Content_Type;
             ->setLabel("Test Type")

        // ensure fetching category sub-form works as expected.
        $this->request->setParam('contentType', 'test-type')
                      ->setParam('form', 'category');

Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testValidateFieldBadContentType ( )

Test validateField w.

bad content type.


        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry();

        $this->getRequest()->setParam('contentType', 'doesnotexist');
        $this->getRequest()->setParam('field', 'fieldName');

        $responseBody = $this->getResponse()->getBody();
        $this->assertRegexp('/Cannot fetch record \'doesnotexist\'. Record does not exist./', $responseBody);
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testValidateFieldBadField ( )

Test validate w.

non-existent field


        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry();

                'contentType'   => $type->getId(),
                'field'         => 'doesnotexist',
                'value'         => ''

        $responseBody = $this->getResponse()->getBody();
        $this->assertRegexp('/P4Cms_Content_Exception/', $responseBody);
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testValidateFieldBadValue ( )

Test validate w.

bad value


        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry();

                'contentType'   => $type->getId(),
                'field'         => 'title',
                'value'         => ''

        $responseBody = $this->getResponse()->getBody();
        $responseData = Zend_Json::decode($responseBody);
        $this->assertSame(1, count($responseData['errors']));
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testValidateFieldGoodValue ( )

Test validate w.

a good value.


        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry();

                'contentType'   => $type->getId(),
                'field'         => 'title',
                'value'         => 'good title'

        $responseBody = $this->getResponse()->getBody();
        $responseData = Zend_Json::decode($responseBody);
        $this->assertSame(0, count($responseData['errors']));
        $this->assertSame(1, preg_match('/good title/', $responseData['displayValue']));
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testValidateFieldNoParams ( )

Test validateField w.

no params.


        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry();


        $responseBody = $this->getResponse()->getBody();
        $this->assertRegexp('/P4Cms_Content_Exception/', $responseBody);
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testValidImage ( )

Test finding valid images in content.


        // create content entry to be downloaded.

        $this->request->setParam('id', 'test867-5309');
        $this->assertModule('content',   'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('image',     'Expected action');

        // ensure content delivered.
            "test image content"

        // check headers.
        $headers = $this->response->sendHeaders();
            'Content-Type: image/jpg',
            'Expected content type'
            array_key_exists('content-disposition', $headers),
            'Expect content-disposition to not exist'
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testView ( )

Test the view action.


        $this->dispatch('/content/view/id/1/does not exist');
        $this->assertModule('error', __LINE__ .': Last module run should be error module.');
        $this->assertController('index', __LINE__ .': Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('page-not-found', __LINE__ .': Expected action');


        list($type, $entry) = $this->_createTestTypeAndEntry();
        $this->dispatch('/content/view/id/'. $entry->getId());
        $this->assertModule('content', __LINE__ .': Last module run should be content module.');
        $this->assertController('index', __LINE__ .': Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('view', __LINE__ .': Expected action');

            'div#content-entry-1[contentType="' . $type->getId() . '"]',
            __LINE__ .': Expected content-type to be specified in entry widget'
            __LINE__ .': Expected title element.'
            __LINE__ .': Expected body element.'
            __LINE__ .': Expected abstract element.'
Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::testViewScriptSelection ( )

Test view script selection (more specific to less specific).

The 'default' test theme has a specific view for content id #2 and for content type id 'test-type-2'.



        // first entry should get default view.

        // reset for next test.

        // test again with a new type that has a custom view.
        $type = P4Cms_Content_Type::fetch('test-type');
        $entry = P4Cms_Content::fetch(1);

        // updated entry should get the type specific view.

        // reset for next test.

        // test again with a new entry that has a custom view.
        $entry = P4Cms_Content::fetch(1);

        // new entry should get the entry specific view.

        // reset for next test.

        // test again with type that has a custom view.

        // updated entry should still get the entry specific view.

Member Data Documentation

Content_Test_IndexControllerTest::$bootstrap = array('Bootstrap', 'run')

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: