Perforce Chronicle 2012.2/486814
API Documentation

Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Analytics_ConfigureControllerHandles configuration of the Analytics module
Analytics_Form_ConfigureThis is the analytics module config form
Analytics_ModuleSets up view to add analytics code
Analytics_Test_ConfigureControllerTestTest the Analytics configure controller
Analytics_Test_JavascriptGenerationTestTest the Analytics module output, verify that content id and type are being added properly
Analytics_Test_LoadSnippetTestTest the Analytics configure controller
BootstrapInitialize the application and environment
Category_AssociatedCategoriesWidgetControllerA widget that displays the categories associated with content, when content is being displayed
Category_ExceptionException to be thrown when content errors occur
Category_Form_AssociatedCategoriesWidgetThis is the text widget configuration form
Category_Form_ContentThis is the category form to display while editing content
Category_Form_ManageThis is the category form
Category_IndexControllerManages content operations (e.g
Category_ManageControllerManages category operations (e.g
Category_Model_CategoryImplements categorization of content primarily for navigation
Category_ModuleIntegrate the category module with the rest of the application
Category_Test_ContentSubFormTestTest the category content sub-form
Category_Test_DynamicMenuTestTest the category module's dynamic menu handler
Category_Test_IndexControllerTestTest the category index controller
Category_Test_ManageControllerTestTest the category manage controller
Category_View_Helper_CategoryBreadcrumbsSpecialized breadcrumb helper that takes a category and produces breadcrumbs for it
Comment_ExceptionException to be thrown when comment errors occur
Comment_Form_CommentA form for posting comments
Comment_Form_ContentA form to control how comments behave per-content-entry

  • Comment post facility (receive new comments)
  • Ability to vote up/down existing comments
  • Interface to moderate comments
  • Ability to delete comments
Comment_Model_CommentModelling and storage of comment entries
Comment_ModuleThe comment module provides a comment facility that is integrated with content
Comment_Test_IndexControllerTestTest the comment module index controller
Comment_View_Helper_CommentsDisplays comments and a comment form
Content_Acl_Assert_CanDeleteCheck if the active user can delete the given content resource
Content_Acl_Assert_CanEditCheck if the active user can edit the given content resource
Content_Acl_Assert_IsOwnerCheck if the active user owns the given content resource
Content_ExceptionException to be thrown when content errors occur
Content_Form_ContentThis is the content entry form
Content_Form_Decorator_ContentIconThis decorator extends the htmltag decorator and implements the enhanced decorator interface to add the icon from a content type when decorating content
Content_Form_Decorator_ContentLinkExtends Zend_Form_Decorator_HtmlTag to make it aware of content records
Content_Form_Decorator_DisplayFileLinkDisplay link tag for associated file
Content_Form_Decorator_DisplayImageDisplay image tag for associated image
Content_Form_Decorator_DisplaySelectedContentA simple wrapper around the content list view helper
Content_Form_Decorator_FileExtends Zend_Form_Decorator_File to present options on handling an existing file if one is set
Content_Form_Decorator_ValueRenders the value of an element wrapped in a span with a 'value-node' class name to identify it in a content element dijit
Content_Form_DeleteThis is the content delete form
Content_Form_Element_ContentSelectAllows the user to select one or more content entries
Content_Form_Element_EditorExtends Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_Editor to implement functionality that allows the user to define extra plugins via the options
Content_Form_Element_FileExtends Zend_Form_Element_File to provide support to keep/remove/replace existing files and to enhance for use with content records
Content_Form_Element_ImageFileExtends Zend_Form_Element_File to provide special validation and handling for image files
Content_Form_Element_ImageSelectA specialized version of the content select element that is pre-configured to work well for selecting and displaying images
Content_Form_Element_TypeGroupExtends P4Cms_Form_Element_NestedCheckbox to support getting default values and parsing the values out into a normalized array
Content_Form_GridTypeFilterThis is sub-form for filtering by content types utilized by the data grid
Content_Form_ListWidgetThis is the content list widget configuration form
Content_Form_SaveContent sub-form to provide comment field used for changelist description
Content_Form_TypeThis is the content type form
Content_IndexControllerDisplays and manages content
Content_ListWidgetControllerA widget that displays a list of content, defaulting to the most recently added content, sorted so that the newest content is first
Content_ModuleIntegrate the content module with the rest of the application
Content_Test_AclAssertsTestTest the content module's acl assertions
Content_Test_ActionCacheTestTest caching of content requests
Content_Test_ContentListHelperTestTest methods for the content list view helper
Content_Test_DynamicMenuTestTest the content module's dynamic menu handler
Content_Test_EditorElementTestTest methods for the content editor form element
Content_Test_EditorHelperTestTest methods for the content editor view helper
Content_Test_IndexControllerTestTest the content index controller
Content_Test_TypeControllerTestTest the content type controller
Content_Test_TypeGroupElementTestTest methods for the type group form element
Content_TypeControllerManages content-type operations (e.g
Content_View_Helper_ContentEntryView helper that displays a content entry
Content_View_Helper_ContentListView helper that displays a content list
Content_View_Helper_ContentSelectRenders a content select control
Content_View_Helper_EditorDojo editor view helper customized for use with p4cms content
Cron_IndexControllerProcesses application's periodic tasks
Cron_Model_CronProvides infrastructure for executing periodic time-based tasks in the application
Cron_Model_UserExtended P4Cms_User class to provide granting additional privileges on the fly
Cron_ModuleIntegrates cron module with the rest of the application
Cron_Test_CronTestTest the cron model
Cron_Test_IndexControllerTestTest the cron index controller
Diff_ExceptionException to be thrown when diff errors occur
Diff_IndexControllerCompares registered record types and presents differences
Diff_Test_IndexControllerTestTest the diff index controller
EasyCron_ModuleSets up view to add easy cron script
Error_IndexControllerHandle errors/exceptions that occur while running the application
Error_ModuleRegister the error module as the error handler
Error_View_Helper_StackTraceView helper that displays stack traces without the source file
Flickr_ConfigureControllerHandles configuration of the flickr module
Flickr_Form_ConfigureThis is the flickr module config form
Flickr_Form_StreamWidgetThis is the flickr stream widget config form
Flickr_StreamControllerA widget that displays a flickr photo stream
Flickr_Test_ConfigureControllerTestTest the Flickr widget/index controller
Flickr_Test_StreamControllerTestTest the Flickr stream controller
Flickr_Test_StreamWidgetTestTest the flickr stream widget subform
History_Form_HistoryGridOptionsThis is the History grid options form
History_IndexControllerManages history operations (e.g
History_ModuleIntegrate the history module with the rest of the application
History_Test_IndexControllerTestTest the history index controller
Ide_IndexControllerSimple back-end for the IDE editor
Menu_ExceptionException to be thrown when menu errors occur
Menu_Form_ContentThis is the menu form to display while editing content
Menu_Form_MenuThis is the menu form
Menu_Form_MenuItemThis is the menu item form
Menu_Form_MenuItemContentThis form is specialized for content menu items and provides a content reference element and label enhancements
Menu_Form_MenuItemContentQuickThis form is specialized for quickly editing content menu items from the context of content editing
Menu_Form_MenuItemMvcThis form is specialized for MVC menu items and provides a drop-down menu to select the module/controller/action
Menu_Form_WidgetThis is the menu widget configuration form
Menu_IndexControllerProvides server-side menu support
Menu_ManageControllerManages menu operations (e.g
Menu_ModuleIntegrates menu module with the rest of the system
Menu_Test_BreadcrumbsHelperTestTest the menu breadcrumbs viewhelper
Menu_Test_IndexControllerTestTest the menu index controller
Menu_Test_ManageControllerTestTest the menu manage controller
Menu_Test_MenuItemMvcFormTestTest the MVC menu item form
Menu_Test_WidgetControllerTestTest the menu widget controller
Menu_View_Helper_BreadcrumbsExtends Zend's breadcrumbs helper to support passing a menu object or id
Menu_View_Helper_MenuEnhanced version of Zend's menu helper
Menu_WidgetControllerProvides a menu widget for use in regions
P4_BranchAbstracts operations against Perforce branch specs
P4_ChangeAbstracts operations against Perforce changes
P4_ClientAbstracts operations against Perforce clients/workspaces
P4_ConnectedAbstractBase class for all Perforce models
P4_ConnectedInterfaceProvides a common interface for connected models
P4_ConnectionPerforce connection factory
P4_Connection_AbstractAbstract class for Perforce Connection implementations
P4_Connection_CommandExceptionException to be thrown when an error occurs running a Perforce command
P4_Connection_CommandLinePerforce Command Line Client
P4_Connection_ConflictExceptionException to be thrown when a resolve error occurs
P4_Connection_ConnectExceptionException to be thrown when a connection error occurs
P4_Connection_DeferredA mechanism for providing an connection that will be loaded on-demand
P4_Connection_ExtensionP4PHP Perforce connection implementation
P4_Connection_InterfaceProvides a mechanism for running Perforce commands
P4_Connection_LoginExceptionException to be thrown when a login attempt fails
P4_CounterAbstracts operations against Perforce counters
P4_DepotAbstracts operations against Perforce depots
P4_EnvironmentProvides access to information about the operating environment
P4_FileAbstracts operations against Perforce files
P4_File_ExceptionException to be thrown when an error occurs in the P4_File package
P4_File_FilterConstructs fstat filter expressions specifically for filtering files via fetchAll()
P4_File_NotFoundExceptionException to be thrown when requested file can't be found
P4_File_QueryProvides a container for query options suitable for passing to fetchAll
P4_GroupAbstracts operations against Perforce user groups
P4_IteratorProvide a common container for a set of models
P4_JobAbstracts operations against Perforce jobs
P4_LabelAbstracts operations against Perforce labels
P4_LogProvides a static log method that will write to a Zend_Log instance set via setLogger()
P4_Model_IteratorProvides a common container for a set of models
P4_ModelAbstractProvides a base implementation for models that utilize fields
P4_ModelInterfaceProvides a common interface for models that utilize fields
P4_ProtectionsAbstracts operations against the Perforce protections table
P4_ResolvableInterfaceA very basic interface to define the various resolve option constants
P4_ResultEncapsulates the results of a Perforce command
P4_Spec_DefinitionThis class provides access to the definition for a Perforce spec type
P4_Spec_ExceptionException to be thrown when an error occurs in the P4_Spec package
P4_Spec_NotFoundExceptionException to be thrown requested spec entry can't be found
P4_Spec_PluralAbstractThis class layers support for plural specs such as changes, jobs, users, etc
P4_SpecAbstractProvides a base for singular spec models such as protections, triggers, typemap, etc
P4_StreamAbstracts operations against Perforce streams
P4_TriggersAbstracts operations against the Perforce triggers table
P4_TypemapAbstracts operations against Perforce typemap entries
P4_UnopenedExceptionException to be thrown when treating a un-opened file like an opened file
P4_UserAbstracts operations against Perforce users
P4_Validate_AbstractProvides validator abstract with basic error message handling
P4_Validate_AttributeNameValidates string for suitability as a file attribute name
P4_Validate_ChangeNumberValidates input for suitability as a Perforce change number
P4_Validate_CounterNameValidates string for suitability as a Perforce counter name
P4_Validate_GroupNameValidates string for suitability as a Perforce group name
P4_Validate_KeyNameValidates string for suitability as a Perforce key name
P4_Validate_PortValidates p4 port value for valid hostname (if provided) and the presence of a numeric port
P4_Validate_SpecNameValidates string for suitability as a Perforce spec name
P4_Validate_StreamNameValidates string for suitability as a Perforce stream name
P4_Validate_StrongPasswordProvides password strength validation according to server security requirements
P4_Validate_UserNameValidates string for suitability as a Perforce user name
P4_VersionClass to indicate this version of the P4 library
P4Cms_AccessDeniedExceptionException to be thrown when access is denied
P4Cms_AclExtends Zend_Acl to add several features:
P4Cms_Acl_Assert_ProxyProxy for an acl assert class that might not exist
P4Cms_Acl_ExceptionException to be thrown when errors occur working with acl
P4Cms_Acl_PrivilegeA class to encapsulate resource privilege information
P4Cms_Acl_ResourceExtends acl resources to support associated privileges
P4Cms_Acl_RoleThis is the 'role' model
P4Cms_ApplicationExtends Zend_Application to work without a config file
P4Cms_ArrayUtilityProvides utility methods for manipulating arrays
P4Cms_AssetHandler_FileProvide a local file backend for Asset Handling
P4Cms_AssetHandler_S3Provide an Amazon S3 backend for Asset Handling
P4Cms_AssetHandlerInterfaceProvide a common interface for Asset Handlers
P4Cms_CacheProvides static/global access to a zend cache manager instance as well as easy access to load/save/etc
P4Cms_Cache_Backend_FileA slight extension to Zend's File backend to add support for our 'namespace' option
P4Cms_Cache_Backend_MemcachedTaggedA Memcached backend that has basic support for tags
P4Cms_Cache_ExceptionException to be thrown when errors occur working with the cache
P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_ActionThe Action Cache operates in a similar manner to Zend's Page Cache frontend but defines caching rules based on the module/controller/action instead of URI
P4Cms_Cache_ManagerExtends zend's cache manager to clear the built-in templates as we don't want them and there is no way to get rid of them
P4Cms_Categorization_CategoryAbstractThis class facilitates the creation of categories, including storage of arbitrary metadata about the category, and associating arbitrary data with each category
P4Cms_Categorization_ExceptionException to be thrown when errors occur working with categories
P4Cms_ContentProvides storage for content entries
P4Cms_Content_EnhancedDecoratorInterfaceProvides a contract for decorators to be enhanced for use with content records:
P4Cms_Content_EnhancedElementInterfaceProvides a contract for form elements to be enhanced for use with content records:
P4Cms_Content_ExceptionException to be thrown when errors occur working with content
P4Cms_Content_LuceneDocumentP4Cms Content Lucene Document
P4Cms_Content_OpenedTracks which users have a given content record open for edit in their browser
P4Cms_Content_TypeProvides storage of content type definitions
P4Cms_Controller_Action_Helper_AclProvides convenient access to acl facilities from controllers
P4Cms_Controller_Action_Helper_AuditLogs first action dispatch with details of the active site, the user that invoked the action and request params
P4Cms_Controller_Action_Helper_BrowserDisconnectHandles disconnecting from the browser to allow long-running code to complete behind the scenes
P4Cms_Controller_Action_Helper_ContextSwitchEnhances ContextSwitch to automatically initialize context if contexts are defined in the action controller and initContext has not been called explicitly
P4Cms_Controller_Action_Helper_RedirectorEnhances Redirector by providing minor tweaks (e.g
P4Cms_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRendererEnhances ViewRenderer to provide themeing capabilities
P4Cms_Controller_Action_Helper_WidgetContextProvides a context facility to inform widgets (which can be asynchronously loaded/operated) of arbitrary data
P4Cms_Controller_Request_HttpExtended version of the standard http request object with specialized knowledge of the convention for embedding a site branch name in path info (e.g
P4Cms_Controller_Request_HttpTestCaseMore testable version of http requests
P4Cms_Controller_Router_RewriteSpecialized version of the rewrite router with a few modified behaviors:
P4Cms_Controller_Router_Route_ModuleOverrides the Zend module router to support shorter and cleaner urls
P4Cms_Controller_Router_Route_RegexExtends the Zend version to grant access to reverse and map
P4Cms_DiffObject oriented interface to Paul Butler's simple diff
P4Cms_Diff_ChunkWrapper for chunks of values in a diff result
P4Cms_Diff_ExceptionException to be thrown when errors occur working with diff
P4Cms_Diff_OptionsWrapper for diff comparison options
P4Cms_Diff_OptionsCollectionWrapper for a collection of diff comparison options
P4Cms_Diff_ResultWrapper for result of simplediff
P4Cms_Diff_ResultCollectionCollection of named diff results
P4Cms_FileUtilityProvides utility methods for manipulating files
P4Cms_Filter_BranchifyUrlsModifies urls in certain html tags to insert the current branch base url
P4Cms_Filter_DebranchifyUrlsOpposite of branchify
P4Cms_Filter_DefaultStripTagsExtended Zend_Filter_StripTags to preset default-allowed tags/attributes
P4Cms_Filter_DocxToTextFilter to convert a Microsoft Word 2007 document to text
P4Cms_Filter_FlattenArrayFlattens a multi-dimensional array using array notation for the keys to represent the hierarchy
P4Cms_Filter_HtmlEntityDecodeConverts html entities to their character equivalents
P4Cms_Filter_HtmlSpecialCharsExtended Zend_Filter_HtmlEntities to filter value by using PHP htmlspecialchars function
P4Cms_Filter_HtmlToTextImplements Zend_Filter_Interface to convert html to plain text
P4Cms_Filter_MacroProvides macro expansion capabilities
P4Cms_Filter_ObfuscateEmailObfuscate plain-text email addresses into javascript
P4Cms_Filter_PdfToTextFilter to convert PDF to text
P4Cms_Filter_PptxToTextFilter to convert a Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 document to text
P4Cms_Filter_TitleToIdImplements Zend_Filter_Interface to convert titles to ids which are URL and Record friendly
P4Cms_Filter_XlsxToTextFilter to convert a Microsoft Excel 2007 document to text
P4Cms_FormExtends Zend_Form to provide support for an id prefix and show errors by default
P4Cms_Form_Decorator_CsrfInserts the form's csrf token as a hidden input (provided the form has csrf protection enabled)
P4Cms_Form_Decorator_DateFormatExtends Zend_Dojo_Form_Decorator_Abstract to actually use the date format
P4Cms_Form_Decorator_DtDdWrapperExtends Zend_Form_Decorator_DtDdWrapper to eliminate the tag (it is really just a wrapper now)
P4Cms_Form_Decorator_ErrorsExtends Zend's errors decorator to skip any non-string errors (e.g
P4Cms_Form_Decorator_HtmlTagExtends Zend_Form_Decorator_HtmlTag to exclude tagging of hidden form elements
P4Cms_Form_Decorator_LabelExtends Zend_Form_Decorator_Label to exclude labelling of hidden form elements
P4Cms_Form_Decorator_ValueSimply renders the value of an element
P4Cms_Form_Element_CaptchaExtends Zend_Form_Element_Captcha
P4Cms_Form_Element_CheckBoxExtends Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox with slightly different casing (capital 'B') to ensure that we always get the standard checkbox
P4Cms_Form_Element_ConfirmTooltipButtonA button with a drop-down confirmation tooltip dialog
P4Cms_Form_Element_NestedCheckboxExtends Zend_Form_Element_MultiCheckbox to support nesting items in UL's
P4Cms_Form_Element_TextareaExtends Zend_Form_Element_Textarea into the P4Cms namespace simply to ensure that we get the standard version of the textarea element and not the dojo version
P4Cms_Form_Element_TooltipDialogButtonA drop-down button with a tooltip dialog
P4Cms_Form_ExceptionException to be thrown when errors occur working with forms
P4Cms_Form_PubSubFormA 'pub-sub' form is a form that can be modified via pub/sub
P4Cms_Form_SubFormExtends Zend_Form_SubForm to be aware of our prefix/elementPrefix paths
P4Cms_ImagePerforce image manipulation API
P4Cms_Image_Driver_AbstractAbstract class for image drivers
P4Cms_Image_Driver_FactoryProvides method for creating image drivers implementing P4Cms_Image_Driver_Interface
P4Cms_Image_Driver_GdImplementation of P4Cms_Image_Driver_Interface using the 'gd' extension
P4Cms_Image_Driver_ImagickImplementation of P4Cms_Image_Driver_Interface using the 'imagick' extension
P4Cms_Image_Driver_InterfaceDefines the interface that Perforce image manipulation drivers must implement
P4Cms_Image_ExceptionException to be thrown when errors occur working with the image manipulation API
P4Cms_LoaderEnhances Zend_Loader to provide a package registry and auto-loading of 'special' module classes such as: controllers, forms, models, etc
P4Cms_LogBrings P4_Log into the P4Cms namespace for general use
P4Cms_MenuMenus provide persistent storage for Navigation Containers
P4Cms_Menu_MixedThis model is used to normalize P4Cms_Menu and Zend_Navigation_Page classes into a unifom model allowing them to be listed together
P4Cms_ModelProvides a base implementation for data models that have key/value pairs (fields)
P4Cms_Model_ExceptionException to be thrown when errors occur working with models
P4Cms_Model_IteratorProvide a common container for a set of models
P4Cms_Model_NotFoundExceptionException to be thrown when unable to find a specific model record
P4Cms_ModelInterfaceProvide a common interface for models
P4Cms_ModuleModules are containers for functionality
P4Cms_Module_ExceptionException to be thrown when low-level module errors occur
P4Cms_Module_IntegrationModule integration classes provide a place to add functionality and integrate a module with the rest of the system
P4Cms_NavigationExtend Zend_Navigation to return pages in sorted order
P4Cms_Navigation_DynamicHandlerDefines a dynamic handler which operates on dynamic menu items
P4Cms_Navigation_ExceptionException to be thrown when errors occur working with navigation
P4Cms_Navigation_Page_ContentProvides a facility for content entry links
P4Cms_Navigation_Page_DynamicProvides a facility for dynamic menu entries
P4Cms_Navigation_Page_HeadingProvides a 'heading' page for menus, for entries that need to exist without a link
P4Cms_Navigation_Page_MvcExtends Zend_Navigation_Page_Mvc to generate page href with optionally disabled encoding
P4Cms_Navigation_Page_SeparatorProvides a 'seperator' page for menus, this is really intended for the dijit.Menu though it could be used elsewhere
P4Cms_Navigation_Page_UriExtends Zend_Navigation_Page_Uri to add macro support
P4Cms_Navigation_PageTypeHandlerDefines a page type handler which provides management details for a particular zend navigation container type
P4Cms_NotificationsAdds a notification facility which will ultimately be exposed in the UI
P4Cms_Package_ExceptionException to be thrown when errors occur working with packages
P4Cms_PackageAbstractThemes and modules are 'packages'
P4Cms_PageNotFoundExceptionException to be thrown when a requested resource cannot be found
P4Cms_PubSubP4Cms_PubSub is a subclass of Phly_PubSub which makes use of our own pubsub provider, to make subscription results consistent
P4Cms_PubSub_ProviderExtend Phly Publish Subscribe facility
P4Cms_RecordProvides persistent storage of data models in Perforce
P4Cms_Record_AdapterEncapsulates everything needed for Records to read from and write to storage
P4Cms_Record_ConfigProvides consistent storage of configuration information
P4Cms_Record_ConnectedExtends P4Cms_Model class and provides in-memory storage of a record adapter and records default adapter
P4Cms_Record_DeferredAdapterA mechanism for providing an adapter that will be loaded on-demand
P4Cms_Record_EnhancedElementInterfaceProvides a contract for form elements to be enhanced for use with records:
P4Cms_Record_ExceptionException to be thrown when errors occur working with records
P4Cms_Record_FilterConstructs fstat filter expressions specifically for filtering records via fetchAll()
P4Cms_Record_NotFoundExceptionException to be thrown when unable to find a specific record
P4Cms_Record_PaginatorAdapterAn adapter to assist Zend_Paginator in paginating records
P4Cms_Record_PubSubRecordA 'pub-sub' record is a record that can be modified via pub/sub
P4Cms_Record_QueryProvides a container for query options suitable for passing to fetchAll
P4Cms_Record_RegisteredTypeThis model provides a way to register record implementations (sub-classes) with the system as named record 'types' via pub/sub:
P4Cms_Record_VolatileProvides volatile (unsubmitted/unversioned) storage in Perforce
P4Cms_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_Utf8Num_CaseInsensitiveExtends utf8 number query analyzer to be case-insensitive even if the mbstring extension is not installed (falls back to strtolower)
P4Cms_Session_SaveHandler_CacheThis save handler allows you to use any of the cache backends for session storage
P4Cms_SiteSites are used to group website configurations and contents
P4Cms_Site_ConfigA specialized record class for use with site branch objects
P4Cms_Site_ExceptionException to be thrown when errors occur working with sites
P4Cms_ThemeThemes are collections of views, layouts, helpers, scripts, styles and image files
P4Cms_Theme_ExceptionException to be thrown when errors occur working with themes
P4Cms_UriExtends Zend_Uri to provide additional utility methods
P4Cms_UserThis is the user model
P4Cms_User_ExceptionException to be thrown when errors occur working with users
P4Cms_UuidEncapsulates and generates a UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier)
P4Cms_Validate_CallbackSpecialized version of Zend_Validate_Callback that allows construction without a callback function
P4Cms_Validate_CategoryIdValidates string for suitability as a category id
P4Cms_Validate_ContentIdValidates string for suitability as a content id
P4Cms_Validate_ContentTypeElementNameValidates string for suitability as a content type element name
P4Cms_Validate_CssClassValidates string for suitability as a CSS class
P4Cms_Validate_EmailAddressExtends the Zend e-mail address validator to fix error message typo
P4Cms_Validate_File_ExcludeMimeTypeExtends mime-type validator to clear the magic file search paths
P4Cms_Validate_File_ExtensionExtends Extension validator to change the default error messages
P4Cms_Validate_File_IsCompressedExtends mime-type validator to clear the magic file search paths
P4Cms_Validate_File_IsImageExtends mime-type validator to clear the magic file search paths
P4Cms_Validate_File_MimeTypeExtends mime-type validator to clear the magic file search paths
P4Cms_Validate_RecordFieldValidates string for suitability as a record field name
P4Cms_Validate_RecordIdValidates string for suitability as a record id
P4Cms_Validate_RobotsTxtValidates string for suitability as a robots.txt definition
P4Cms_Validate_SiteIdValidates string for suitability as a site id
P4Cms_VersionClass to indicate this version of the P4Cms library
P4Cms_View_Helper_BodyTitleEssentially the head title helper under a different name
P4Cms_View_Helper_ButtonDerivative of dojo button view helper
P4Cms_View_Helper_CustomDijitDerivative of dojo view helper that renders dijits
P4Cms_View_Helper_DojoDerivative of dojo view helper designed that provides control over what dojo elements are rendered
P4Cms_View_Helper_Dojo_ContainerDerivative of dojo container helper that provides control over which dojo components are rendered
P4Cms_View_Helper_DojoIoResponseView helper that returns an instance of the named enabled module model
P4Cms_View_Helper_EscapeAbstractAbstract view helper for escaping untrusted data before inserting them in the view
P4Cms_View_Helper_EscapeAttrView helper for escaping untrusted data before inserting them into an html common attributes
P4Cms_View_Helper_EscapeJsView helper for escaping untrusted data before inserting them into a javascript data values
P4Cms_View_Helper_FileSizeFormat a passed filesize in a friendlier manner
P4Cms_View_Helper_FormDerivative of dojo form view helper
P4Cms_View_Helper_FormHiddenExtended view helper for hidden form element to support rendering sequence of hidden elements in the case of element's value is an array
P4Cms_View_Helper_FormNestedCheckboxDerivative of zend form multi checkbox view helper
P4Cms_View_Helper_HeadLinkAggregating version of HeadLink helper
P4Cms_View_Helper_HeadScriptAggregating version of HeadScript helper (combines JS files)
P4Cms_View_Helper_HeadStyleExtends the head style helper to add media queries support
P4Cms_View_Helper_HeadTitleExtends the head title helper to insert a separator between the prefix/postfix and the title
P4Cms_View_Helper_ModuleView helper that returns an instance of the named module
P4Cms_View_Helper_RequestView helper that returns an instance of the current request
P4Cms_View_Helper_SubmitButtonDerivative of dojo submitButton view helper
P4Cms_View_Helper_ThemeView helper that returns an instance of the current theme
P4Cms_View_Helper_TimeAgoFormat a passed date/time in a friendlier manner such as: just now 1 minute ago 3 weeks ago etc
P4Cms_View_Helper_TruncateLimit the length of a string and (optionally) append a trailing string when the length limit is exceeded
P4Cms_View_Helper_VersionHelper to display the application version
P4Cms_WidgetWidgets are configurations of a widget-controller in a region
P4Cms_Widget_ControllerAbstractEnhances Zend_Controller_Action to provide additional functionality that is specific to widget controllers
P4Cms_Widget_ExceptionException to be thrown when widget errors occur
P4Cms_Widget_TypeEncapsulates information about widget types
Search_Form_BasicThis is the basic search query form
Search_Form_ManageThe form providing configuration for import processing
Search_IndexControllerSearches the index and displays results
Search_ManageControllerManages the search and index
Search_ModuleIntegrates the search module with the rest of the application
Search_Test_IndexControllerTestTest the content index controller
Search_Test_ManageControllerTestTest the content index controller
Search_WidgetControllerPuts the basic search form in a region
Setup_Form_AdministratorThis is the Perforce server setup form
Setup_Form_SiteThis is the setup site creation form
Setup_Form_StorageThis is the Perforce server setup form
Setup_IndexControllerSetup/configure the application
Setup_ModuleIntegrate the Setup module with the rest of the system
Setup_Test_AdministratorFormTestTest the PerforceForm and its validation
Setup_Test_IndexControllerTest'Smoke' tests for the setup module's IndexController
Setup_Test_SiteFormTestTest the SiteForm and its validation
Setup_Test_StorageFormTestTest the PerforceForm and its validation
Site_AccessBranchCheckA controller plugin to handle the access branch acl check
Site_BranchControllerController for dealing with site branches
Site_ExceptionException to be thrown when site errors occur
Site_Form_BranchForm to add site branches
Site_Form_BranchGridOptionsThis is the Site/Branch grid options form
Site_Form_ConfigureThis is the site configure form
Site_Form_EditBranchForm to edit site branches
Site_Form_PullForm to pull changes from one branch to another
Site_IndexControllerView and edit the configuration for the current site
Site_Model_PullPathGroupThis class models hierarchical groupings of paths
Site_ModuleIntegrate the site module with the rest of the application
Site_ModuleControllerList, view and enable/disable modules for the current site
Site_Test_BranchControllerTestTest the site branch controller
Site_Test_ConfigureFormTestTest the ConfigureForm and its validation
Site_Test_IndexControllerTestTest the site index controller
Site_Test_ModuleControllerTestTest the module controller
Site_Test_ThemeControllerTestTest the theme controller
Site_ThemeControllerList and apply the site theme
System_IndexControllerProvides system information
System_Model_InfoImplements collection of system information for display
System_ModuleContribute information to the system module and integrate it with the rest of the application
System_Test_IndexControllerTestTest the system module index controller
Ui_Controller_Helper_HelpUrlAction helper to specify a custom help URL
Ui_Controller_Helper_HelpUrlTestTest methods for the P4Cms HeadLink View Helper
Ui_Form_GridOptionsThis is a generic grid options form
Ui_Form_GridSearchThis is the generic search sub-form utilized by the data grid
Ui_ModuleIntegrate the UI module with the rest of the system
Ui_Test_DataGridTestTest methods for the P4Cms DataGrid View Helper
Ui_Test_DijitMenuTestTest methods for the P4Cms DijitMenu Navigation View Helper
Ui_View_Helper_DataGridDojo DataGrid widget view helper
Ui_View_Helper_DateTextBoxView helper for the DateTextBox
Ui_View_Helper_DijitMenuImplementation of the Zend Navigation HelperAbstract that provides output in p4cms.ui.Menu / dijit.MenuItem format
Ui_View_Helper_NotificationsView helper that renders the notification area
Ui_View_Helper_ToolbarView helper that renders the managment toolbar
Url_ExceptionException to be thrown when url errors occur
Url_Filter_UrlPathFilter to normalize a url path for use as a 'custom url'
Url_Form_ContentA sub-form intended for use with content forms
Url_Model_UrlStorage for custom urls
Url_ModuleProvides support for assigning custom urls to content entries
Url_RedirectorA controller plugin to handle redirecting outdated custom-urls to more permanent locations
Url_RouteA route that matches/assembles url paths using custom url records
Url_Test_ContentIntegrationTestTest the url -> content integration
Url_Test_UrlModelTestTest the url model
Url_Test_UrlPathFilterTestTest the url path filter (normalizer)
User_AclControllerManages user permissions
User_Form_AclGridOptionsThis is the acl grid options form
User_Form_AddThis is the add user form
User_Form_AddRoleThis is the add user form
User_Form_EditThis is the edit user form
User_Form_EditRoleThis is the add user form
User_Form_LoginThis is the user login form
User_IndexControllerManages user operations (e.g
User_ModuleIntegrate the user module with the rest of the application
User_RoleControllerManages user roles
User_Test_AclControllerTestTest the user acl controller
User_Test_IndexControllerTestTest the user index controller
User_Test_RoleControllerTestTest the user index controller
Widget_Form_ConfigThis is the widget configuration form
Widget_Form_IframeWidgetThis is the iframe widget configuration form
Widget_Form_ImageWidgetThis is the image widget configuration form
Widget_Form_TextWidgetThis is the text widget configuration form
Widget_IframeWidgetControllerA widget that displays an arbitrary iframe in a region
Widget_ImageWidgetControllerA widget that displays an arbitrary image in a region
Widget_IndexControllerManages user-interactions with widgets
Widget_ModuleIntegrate the widget module with the rest of the application
Widget_Test_IndexControllerTestTest the widget/index controller
Widget_TextWidgetControllerA widget that displays arbitrary text in a region
Widget_View_Helper_RegionView helper that renders a region using a specified template
Widget_View_Helper_WidgetView helper that renders a widget using a specified template
Workflow_ActionAbstractBase class for workflow actions
Workflow_ActionInterfaceProvide a common interface for workflow actions
Workflow_ConditionAbstractBase class for workflow conditions
Workflow_ConditionInterfaceProvide a common interface for workflow conditions
Workflow_ContentControllerManages actions related to the content
Workflow_ExceptionException to be thrown when workflow errors occur
Workflow_Form_EditContentThis is the workflow form to display while editing content
Workflow_Form_GridStateFilterThis is sub-form for filtering by workflow states utilized by the data grid
Workflow_Form_ManageContentThis is the workflow form for changing workflow state on multiple entries in a batch
Workflow_Form_WorkflowWorkflow add/edit form
Workflow_IndexControllerManages workflows
Workflow_Model_StateWorkflow state model
Workflow_Model_TransitionModel for a transition (permits moving from one state to another)
Workflow_Model_WorkflowProvides storage of workflow definitions
Workflow_ModuleIntegrate the workflow module with the rest of the application
Workflow_PluginAbstractBase class for workflow plugins (conditions and actions)
Workflow_Test_ActionSendEmailTestTest workflow 'SendEmail' action class
Workflow_Test_ActionsTestTest workflow actions infrastructure
Workflow_Test_ConditionContainsTestTest workflow 'Contains' condition class
Workflow_Test_ConditionsTestTest workflow conditions infrastructure
Workflow_Test_ContentControllerTestTest the workflow content controller
Workflow_Test_ContentIntegrationTestTest that workflow is integrated with content as expected
Workflow_Test_CronIntegrationTestTest that workflow is integrated with cron module as expected
Workflow_Test_IndexControllerTestTest the workflow index controller
Workflow_Test_MailTransportCustom email transport for Zend_Mail primarily intended for testing
Workflow_Test_ManageContentFormTestTest the manage content form
Workflow_Test_StateTestTest the workflow state model
Workflow_Test_TransitionTestTest the workflow state model
Workflow_Test_WorkflowTestTest the workflow model
Workflow_Workflow_Action_NoopA sample workflow action that does nothing
Workflow_Workflow_Action_SendEmailA workflow action that sends an email when transition occurs
Workflow_Workflow_Condition_ContainsA workflow condition to check if given input is contained in record field values
Workflow_Workflow_Condition_FalseA sample workflow condition that always evaluates to false
Youtube_Form_VideoWidgetThis is the yotube video widget config form, which accepts configuration options for the youtube video stream
Youtube_Test_VideoControllerTestTest the video widget controller
Youtube_Test_VideoWidgetTestTest the video widget subform
Youtube_VideoControllerA widget that displays a youtube video