Perforce Chronicle 2012.2/486814
API Documentation

Menu_Form_Content Class Reference

This is the menu form to display while editing content. More...

Inheritance diagram for Menu_Form_Content:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 getItemForm (array $values=null)
 Get a form for quick add/edit of content menu items.
 init ()
 Defines the elements that make up the menu form.

Detailed Description

This is the menu form to display while editing content.

2011-2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved
Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.

Member Function Documentation

Menu_Form_Content::getItemForm ( array $  values = null)

Get a form for quick add/edit of content menu items.

array | null$valuesoptional - values to populate the sub-form
Menu_Form_MenuItemContent a heavily modified content menu item form
        $form = new Menu_Form_MenuItemContentQuick;
        // decorate item form as a sub-form.
        // if values were given, set defaults on the item form.
        if ($values) {
        return $form;
Menu_Form_Content::init ( )

Defines the elements that make up the menu form.

Called automatically when the form object is created.

        // set the title of this form.
        // render the menu item sub-form into a hidden element
        // for javascript to use when adding more menu items.
                'template'  => $this->getItemForm()->render(),
                'ignore'    => true,
                'disabled'  => true
        // a button to add another menu item - takes the menu item
        // form template, inserts it into the form and dijitizes it.
                'label'     => 'New Menu Item',
                'order'     => 1000,
                'ignore'    => true,
                'class'     => 'add-button',                
                'onClick'   => "
                    // get the menu item form template.
                    var form      = new dojo.NodeList(this.domNode).closest('form')[0];
                    var template  = dojo.query('input[name*=\'menus[template]\']', form)[0];
                    var itemForm  = dojo.attr(template, 'template');

                    // determine how many item forms we currently have.
                    var formCount = dojo.query('.menu-item-content-form', form).length;

                    // insert a copy of the template before the add button.
                    // modify template to incorporate item form count and dijitize
                    itemForm =, this.domNode, 'before');
          , 'display', 'none');
                    dojo.query('*', itemForm).forEach(function(node){
                        var id    = dojo.attr(node, 'id');
                        var forId = dojo.attr(node, 'for');
                        var name  = dojo.attr(node, 'name');
                        if (id) {
                            id = 'menus-' + formCount + '-' + id;
                            dojo.attr(node, 'id', id);
                        if (forId) {
                            forId = 'menus-' + formCount + '-' + forId;
                            dojo.attr(node, 'for', forId);
                        if (name) {
                            name = 'menus[' + formCount + '][' + name + ']';
                            dojo.attr(node, 'name', name);
                    // fade it in.

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