Perforce Chronicle 2012.2/486814
API Documentation
Test the video widget controller. More...
Public Member Functions | |
addWidget () | |
Utility function to add the widget to the test region. | |
setUp () | |
Clear caches prior to start of each test. | |
testAddWidgetPost () | |
Ensure this widget can be added via post request. | |
testAddWidgetPrompt () | |
Ensure add widget pane has not been broken with this module enabled. | |
testGoodConfigurePromptRequest () | |
Ensure the widget has not broken the config form, and that all options are displayed as expected. | |
testGoodConfigureSaveRequest () | |
Ensure good widget configuration can be saved. | |
testIndexAction () | |
Test the results of the index action. |
Test the video widget controller.
Youtube_Test_VideoControllerTest::addWidget | ( | ) |
Utility function to add the widget to the test region.
{ $widget = P4Cms_Widget::factory('youtube/youtubevideo')->setId(1); $widget->setValue('region', 'test')->save(); return $widget; }
Youtube_Test_VideoControllerTest::setUp | ( | ) |
Clear caches prior to start of each test.
{ parent::setUp(); // enable youtube module $module = P4Cms_Module::fetch('Youtube'); $module->enable(); $module->load(); // load test theme and widgets P4Cms_Widget::installDefaults(); $this->utility->impersonate('editor'); }
Youtube_Test_VideoControllerTest::testAddWidgetPost | ( | ) |
Ensure this widget can be added via post request.
{ $this->utility->impersonate('editor'); // determine how many widgets currently exist in the test region. $widgets = P4Cms_Widget::fetchByRegion('test'); $count = count($widgets); $this->request->setMethod('POST') ->setPost( array( 'region' => 'test', 'type' => 'youtube/youtubevideo' ) ); $this->dispatch('/widget/index/add'); $responseBody = $this->response->getBody(); $this->assertModule('widget', 'Last module run should be widget module; '. $responseBody); $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller; '. $responseBody); $this->assertAction('add', 'Expected action; '. $responseBody); // ensure response contains uuid of new widget (should be '1') $uuid = Zend_Json::decode($responseBody); $validator = new P4Cms_Uuid; $this->assertTrue($validator->isValid($uuid)); // ensure region contains correct set of widgets. $widgets = P4Cms_Widget::fetchByRegion('test'); $this->assertEquals(count($widgets), $count + 1, 'Expecting two widgets'); $this->assertTrue(P4Cms_Widget::fetch($uuid) instanceof P4Cms_Widget, 'Expecting P4Cms_Widget'); }
Youtube_Test_VideoControllerTest::testAddWidgetPrompt | ( | ) |
Ensure add widget pane has not been broken with this module enabled.
{ $this->dispatch('/widget/index/add'); $responseBody = $this->response->getBody(); // ensure response looks correct. $this->assertQuery( 'ul.widget-types', 'Expected widget types markup to contain ul.widget-types: '. $responseBody ); $this->assertQueryContentContains( 'span.widget-type-label', 'YouTube Video Widget', 'Expected widget type markup: '. $responseBody ); }
Youtube_Test_VideoControllerTest::testGoodConfigurePromptRequest | ( | ) |
Ensure the widget has not broken the config form, and that all options are displayed as expected.
{ $this->addWidget(); $this->dispatch('/widget/index/configure/region/test/widget/1'); $responseBody = $this->response->getBody(); $this->assertModule('widget', 'Last module run should be widget module; '. $responseBody); $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller; '. $responseBody); $this->assertAction('configure', 'Expected action; '. $responseBody); // verify form looks correct. $this->assertQuery("form#widget-1-config-form", $responseBody); $this->assertQuery("input#widget-1-config-region", $responseBody); $this->assertQuery("input#widget-1-config-widget", $responseBody); $this->assertQuery("fieldset#widget-1-config-general", $responseBody); $this->assertQuery("fieldset#widget-1-config-config", $responseBody); $this->assertQuery("input#widget-1-config-videoUrl", $responseBody); $this->assertQuery("select#widget-1-config-videoSize", $responseBody); $this->assertQuery("fieldset#widget-1-config-videoCustomSize", $responseBody); $this->assertQuery("select#widget-1-config-controls", $responseBody); $this->assertQuery("input#widget-1-config-autoplay", $responseBody); $this->assertQuery("input#widget-1-config-loop", $responseBody); $this->assertQuery("input#widget-1-config-allowFullscreen", $responseBody); $this->assertQuery("input#widget-1-config-playHd", $responseBody); $this->assertQuery("input#widget-1-config-showAnnotations", $responseBody); $this->assertQuery("input#widget-1-config-showRelated", $responseBody); }
Youtube_Test_VideoControllerTest::testGoodConfigureSaveRequest | ( | ) |
Ensure good widget configuration can be saved.
{ $this->addWidget(); $this->request->setMethod('POST') ->setPost( array( 'region' => 'test', 'widget' => '1', 'title' => 'YouTube test', 'order' => '10', 'config' => array( 'videoUrl' => '' ) ) ); $this->dispatch('/widget/index/configure'); $responseBody = $this->response->getBody(); $this->assertModule('widget', 'Last module run should be widget module; '. $responseBody); $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller; '. $responseBody); $this->assertAction('configure', 'Expected action; '. $responseBody); // verify widget config has changed. $widget = P4Cms_Widget::fetch('1'); $this->assertSame('test', $widget->region, 'Expected region'); $this->assertSame('1', $widget->id, 'Expected id'); $this->assertSame('YouTube test', $widget->title, 'Expected title'); $this->assertSame('10', $widget->order, 'Expected order'); $this->assertSame( '', $widget->getConfig('videoUrl'), 'Expected text' ); }
Youtube_Test_VideoControllerTest::testIndexAction | ( | ) |
Test the results of the index action.
{ $videoId = 'CDunnQz81FY'; $widget = $this->addWidget(); $values = array('config'=> array( 'videoUrl' => '' . $videoId, 'videoSize' => Youtube_Form_VideoWidget::DIMENSION_MEDIUM, 'videoHeight' => 0, 'videoWidth' => 0, 'controls' => Youtube_Form_VideoWidget::CONTROLS_ALWAYS_SHOW, 'autoplay' => true, 'loop' => 0, 'allowFullscreen' => true, 'playHd' => true, 'showAnnotations' => 0, 'showRelated' => 0 ) ); $widget->setValues($values)->save(); $this->dispatch('/youtube/video/index/region/test/widget/1'); $responseBody = $this->response->getBody(); $expectedUrl = '' . $videoId . '?version=3&feature=player_embedded&' . 'autoplay=1&controls=1&iv_load_policy=3&hd=1&fs=1'; $this->assertQuery("object", 'Expected "<object>" in response.' . $responseBody); $this->assertXpath( '//param[@name="movie"][@value="' . $expectedUrl . '"]', 'Movie param is missing or does not have the expected value.' . $responseBody ); $this->assertXpath( '//param[@name="allowFullScreen"][@value="true"]', 'Expected allowFullScreen param with value "true" in response.' . $responseBody ); $this->assertXpath( '//param[@name="allowScriptAccess"][@value="always"]', 'Expected allowScriptAccess param with value "true" in response.' . $responseBody ); $this->assertXpath( '//embed[@src="' . $expectedUrl . '"][@type="application/x-shockwave-flash"][@wmode="opaque"]', 'Embed src attribute does not have the expected value.' . $responseBody ); $this->assertQuery( 'embed[allowfullscreen="true"]', 'Embed "allowfullscreen" attribute does not have the expected value.' . $responseBody ); $this->assertQuery( 'embed[allowScriptAccess="always"]', 'Embed "allowScriptAccess" attribute does not have the expected value.' . $responseBody ); $values = array('config'=> array( 'videoUrl' => '' . $videoId, 'videoSize' => Youtube_Form_VideoWidget::DIMENSION_CUSTOM, 'videoHeight' => 500, 'videoWidth' => 500, 'controls' => Youtube_Form_VideoWidget::CONTROLS_NEVER_SHOW, 'autoplay' => false, 'loop' => true, 'allowFullscreen' => false, 'playHd' => false, 'showAnnotations' => true, 'showRelated' => true ) ); $widget->setValues($values)->save(); $this->dispatch('/youtube/video/index/region/test/widget/1'); $responseBody = $this->response->getBody(); $expectedUrl = '' . $videoId . '?version=3&feature=player_embedded&' . 'controls=0&rel=1&iv_load_policy=1&loop=1&playlist=' . $videoId; $this->assertXpath( '//object[@style="height: 500px; width: 500px"]', 'Expected "<object>" in response.' . $responseBody ); $this->assertXpath( '//param[@name="movie"][@value="' . $expectedUrl . '"]', 'Movie param is missing or does not have the expected value.' . $responseBody ); $this->assertXpath( '//embed[@src="' . $expectedUrl . '"][@type="application/x-shockwave-flash"][@wmode="opaque"]' .'[@width="500"][@height="500"]', 'Embed src attribute does not have the expected value.' . $responseBody ); }