Perforce Chronicle 2012.2/486814
API Documentation

Youtube_Test_VideoControllerTest Class Reference

Test the video widget controller. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 addWidget ()
 Utility function to add the widget to the test region.
 setUp ()
 Clear caches prior to start of each test.
 testAddWidgetPost ()
 Ensure this widget can be added via post request.
 testAddWidgetPrompt ()
 Ensure add widget pane has not been broken with this module enabled.
 testGoodConfigurePromptRequest ()
 Ensure the widget has not broken the config form, and that all options are displayed as expected.
 testGoodConfigureSaveRequest ()
 Ensure good widget configuration can be saved.
 testIndexAction ()
 Test the results of the index action.

Detailed Description

Test the video widget controller.

2011-2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved
Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.

Member Function Documentation

Youtube_Test_VideoControllerTest::addWidget ( )

Utility function to add the widget to the test region.

        $widget = P4Cms_Widget::factory('youtube/youtubevideo')->setId(1);
        $widget->setValue('region', 'test')->save();

        return $widget;
Youtube_Test_VideoControllerTest::setUp ( )

Clear caches prior to start of each test.


        // enable youtube module
        $module = P4Cms_Module::fetch('Youtube');

        // load test theme and widgets

Youtube_Test_VideoControllerTest::testAddWidgetPost ( )

Ensure this widget can be added via post request.


        // determine how many widgets currently exist in the test region.
        $widgets   = P4Cms_Widget::fetchByRegion('test');
        $count     = count($widgets);

                    'region' => 'test',
                    'type'   => 'youtube/youtubevideo'

        $responseBody = $this->response->getBody();

        $this->assertModule('widget', 'Last module run should be widget module; '. $responseBody);
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller; '. $responseBody);
        $this->assertAction('add', 'Expected action; '. $responseBody);

        // ensure response contains uuid of new widget (should be '1')
        $uuid      = Zend_Json::decode($responseBody);
        $validator = new P4Cms_Uuid;

        // ensure region contains correct set of widgets.
        $widgets = P4Cms_Widget::fetchByRegion('test');
        $this->assertEquals(count($widgets), $count + 1, 'Expecting two widgets');
        $this->assertTrue(P4Cms_Widget::fetch($uuid) instanceof P4Cms_Widget, 'Expecting P4Cms_Widget');
Youtube_Test_VideoControllerTest::testAddWidgetPrompt ( )

Ensure add widget pane has not been broken with this module enabled.

        $responseBody = $this->response->getBody();

        // ensure response looks correct.
            'Expected widget types markup to contain ul.widget-types: '. $responseBody
            'YouTube Video Widget',
            'Expected widget type markup: '. $responseBody
Youtube_Test_VideoControllerTest::testGoodConfigurePromptRequest ( )

Ensure the widget has not broken the config form, and that all options are displayed as expected.


        $responseBody = $this->response->getBody();

        $this->assertModule('widget', 'Last module run should be widget module; '. $responseBody);
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller; '. $responseBody);
        $this->assertAction('configure', 'Expected action; '. $responseBody);

        // verify form looks correct.
        $this->assertQuery("form#widget-1-config-form", $responseBody);
        $this->assertQuery("input#widget-1-config-region", $responseBody);
        $this->assertQuery("input#widget-1-config-widget", $responseBody);
        $this->assertQuery("fieldset#widget-1-config-general", $responseBody);
        $this->assertQuery("fieldset#widget-1-config-config", $responseBody);

        $this->assertQuery("input#widget-1-config-videoUrl", $responseBody);
        $this->assertQuery("select#widget-1-config-videoSize", $responseBody);
        $this->assertQuery("fieldset#widget-1-config-videoCustomSize", $responseBody);
        $this->assertQuery("select#widget-1-config-controls", $responseBody);
        $this->assertQuery("input#widget-1-config-autoplay", $responseBody);
        $this->assertQuery("input#widget-1-config-loop", $responseBody);
        $this->assertQuery("input#widget-1-config-allowFullscreen", $responseBody);
        $this->assertQuery("input#widget-1-config-playHd", $responseBody);
        $this->assertQuery("input#widget-1-config-showAnnotations", $responseBody);
        $this->assertQuery("input#widget-1-config-showRelated", $responseBody);
Youtube_Test_VideoControllerTest::testGoodConfigureSaveRequest ( )

Ensure good widget configuration can be saved.


                    'region'            => 'test',
                    'widget'            => '1',
                    'title'             => 'YouTube test',
                    'order'             => '10',
                    'config'            => array(
                        'videoUrl'  => ''

        $responseBody = $this->response->getBody();

        $this->assertModule('widget', 'Last module run should be widget module; '. $responseBody);
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller; '. $responseBody);
        $this->assertAction('configure', 'Expected action; '. $responseBody);

        // verify widget config has changed.
        $widget  = P4Cms_Widget::fetch('1');

        $this->assertSame('test',           $widget->region,    'Expected region');
        $this->assertSame('1',              $widget->id,        'Expected id');
        $this->assertSame('YouTube test',   $widget->title,     'Expected title');
        $this->assertSame('10',             $widget->order,     'Expected order');
            'Expected text'
Youtube_Test_VideoControllerTest::testIndexAction ( )

Test the results of the index action.

        $videoId = 'CDunnQz81FY';
        $widget = $this->addWidget();
        $values = array('config'=>
                'videoUrl'          => '' . $videoId,
                'videoSize'         => Youtube_Form_VideoWidget::DIMENSION_MEDIUM,
                'videoHeight'       => 0,
                'videoWidth'        => 0,
                'controls'          => Youtube_Form_VideoWidget::CONTROLS_ALWAYS_SHOW,
                'autoplay'          => true,
                'loop'              => 0,
                'allowFullscreen'   => true,
                'playHd'            => true,
                'showAnnotations'   => 0,
                'showRelated'       => 0


        $responseBody = $this->response->getBody();

        $expectedUrl = '' . $videoId . '?version=3&feature=player_embedded&'
            . 'autoplay=1&controls=1&iv_load_policy=3&hd=1&fs=1';

        $this->assertQuery("object", 'Expected "<object>" in response.' . $responseBody);
            '//param[@name="movie"][@value="' . $expectedUrl . '"]',
            'Movie param is missing or does not have the expected value.' . $responseBody
            'Expected allowFullScreen param with value "true" in response.' . $responseBody
            'Expected allowScriptAccess param with value "true" in response.' . $responseBody
            '//embed[@src="' . $expectedUrl . '"][@type="application/x-shockwave-flash"][@wmode="opaque"]',
            'Embed src attribute does not have the expected value.' . $responseBody
            'Embed "allowfullscreen" attribute does not have the expected value.' . $responseBody
            'Embed "allowScriptAccess" attribute does not have the expected value.' . $responseBody

        $values = array('config'=>
                'videoUrl'          => '' . $videoId,
                'videoSize'         => Youtube_Form_VideoWidget::DIMENSION_CUSTOM,
                'videoHeight'       => 500,
                'videoWidth'        => 500,
                'controls'          => Youtube_Form_VideoWidget::CONTROLS_NEVER_SHOW,
                'autoplay'          => false,
                'loop'              => true,
                'allowFullscreen'   => false,
                'playHd'            => false,
                'showAnnotations'   => true,
                'showRelated'       => true


        $responseBody = $this->response->getBody();

        $expectedUrl = '' . $videoId . '?version=3&feature=player_embedded&'
            . 'controls=0&rel=1&iv_load_policy=1&loop=1&playlist=' . $videoId;

            '//object[@style="height: 500px; width: 500px"]',
            'Expected "<object>" in response.' . $responseBody
            '//param[@name="movie"][@value="' . $expectedUrl . '"]',
            'Movie param is missing or does not have the expected value.' . $responseBody

            '//embed[@src="' . $expectedUrl . '"][@type="application/x-shockwave-flash"][@wmode="opaque"]'
            'Embed src attribute does not have the expected value.' . $responseBody

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