Perforce Chronicle 2012.2/486814
API Documentation

Youtube_Test_VideoWidgetTest Class Reference

Test the video widget subform. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 setUp ()
 Initialize the module.
 testFormInit ()
 Test form initialization and default values.
 testValidation ()
 Verifies the validation of the form, specificly the youtube url.

Detailed Description

Test the video widget subform.

2011-2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved
Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.

Member Function Documentation

Youtube_Test_VideoWidgetTest::setUp ( )

Initialize the module.


        // enable youtube module
        $module = P4Cms_Module::fetch('Youtube');
Youtube_Test_VideoWidgetTest::testFormInit ( )

Test form initialization and default values.

Verifies that the defaults and form structure hasn't been accidently changed.

        // verify form defaults
        $form = new Youtube_Form_VideoWidget;

        $expected = array(
            '' => array(
                'videoUrl'          => '',
                'videoSize'         => Youtube_Form_VideoWidget::DIMENSION_MEDIUM,
                'videoWidth'        => '',
                'videoHeight'       => '',
                'controls'          => Youtube_Form_VideoWidget::CONTROLS_ALWAYS_SHOW,
                'autoplay'          => true,
                'loop'              => 0,
                'allowFullscreen'   => true,
                'playHd'            => true,
                'showAnnotations'   => 0,
                'showRelated'       => 0

            "Expected default values"
Youtube_Test_VideoWidgetTest::testValidation ( )

Verifies the validation of the form, specificly the youtube url.

        // configure the widget
        // should fail because it is missing the required video url field.
        $data = array(
            'region'            => 'test',
            'widget'            => '1',
            'title'             => 'YouTube test',
            'config'            => array(
                'videoUrl'          => ''

        $form = new Widget_Form_Config;
        $form->addSubForm(new Youtube_Form_VideoWidget, 'config', 2);
        $this->assertFalse($form->isValid($data), 'Expected form to be invalid.');

        // should fail because it is contains an invalid url
        $data['config']['videoUrl'] = 'invalidyoutubeurl';
        $form = new Widget_Form_Config;
        $form->addSubForm(new Youtube_Form_VideoWidget, 'config', 2);
            'Expected url ' . $data['config']['videoUrl'] .' to be invalid.'

        // should fail because it is contains no video id
        $data['config']['videoUrl'] = '';
        $form = new Widget_Form_Config;
        $form->addSubForm(new Youtube_Form_VideoWidget, 'config', 2);
            'Expected url ' . $data['config']['videoUrl'] .' to be invalid.'

        // should fail because it is contains an invalid domain
        $data['config']['videoUrl'] = '';
        $form = new Widget_Form_Config;
        $form->addSubForm(new Youtube_Form_VideoWidget, 'config', 2);
            'Expected url ' . $data['config']['videoUrl'] .' to be invalid.'

        // should pass
        $data['config']['videoUrl'] = '';
        $form = new Widget_Form_Config;
        $form->addSubForm(new Youtube_Form_VideoWidget, 'config', 2);
            'Expected url ' . $data['config']['videoUrl'] .' to be valid.'

        // should pass as well, as the id as appended to a hardcoded domain in the view script
        $data['config']['videoUrl'] = '';
        $form = new Widget_Form_Config;
        $form->addSubForm(new Youtube_Form_VideoWidget, 'config', 2);
            'Expected url ' . $data['config']['videoUrl'] .' to be valid.'

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