Perforce Chronicle 2012.2/486814
API Documentation

Site_BranchController Class Reference

Controller for dealing with site branches. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 addAction ()
 Add a new site branch.
 deleteAction ()
 Delete a site branch.
 editAction ()
 Edit site branch.
 init ()
 Set the management layout for all actions.
 manageAction ()
 List sites/branches for management.
 manageActiveAction ()
 Loads manage grid pre-filtered for the active site.
 pullAction ()
 Pull changes from another branch to the current branch.
 pullDetailsAction ()
 Provides the details for specified include path(s).
 switchAction ()
 Transfer user's credentials to this branch if they are not already logged in.

Public Attributes


Protected Member Functions

 _doCopy (P4Cms_Site $source, P4Cms_Site $target, array $include, $headChange, $preview, P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter)
 Copy (clobber) from source branch to target.
 _doMerge (P4Cms_Site $source, P4Cms_Site $target, array $include, $headChange, $preview, P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter)
 Merge changes from source branch to target.
 _doPull (P4Cms_Site $source, P4Cms_Site $target, $mode, $headChange, P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter, array $include=null, $preview=false)
 Pull from source branch to target.
 _groupPullPaths ($result, array $conflicts, $source, $target)
 Group the paths affected by a pull operation in a human-friendly way.
 _restoreObligatory (P4Cms_Model_Iterator $items, P4Cms_Model_Iterator $originals)
 Scans over the filtered list of branch/site items and re-adds any missing ancestors to ensure we can show a full heirachy to our matches.

Detailed Description

Controller for dealing with site branches.

2011-2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved
Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.

Member Function Documentation

Site_BranchController::_doCopy ( P4Cms_Site source,
P4Cms_Site target,
array $  include,
P4Cms_Record_Adapter adapter 
) [protected]

Copy (clobber) from source branch to target.

Returns a list of files with changes in the target (not present in the source) that will be overwritten.

P4Cms_Site$sourcethe site/branch to copy from.
P4Cms_Site$targetthe site/branch to copy into.
array$includethe list of paths to copy.
int$headChangelimit source files to this change (ignore newer revisions)
bool | null$previewset to true if this is only a preview
P4Cms_Record_Adapter$adapterthe storage adapter to use.
array files with conflicting changes (in depot syntax)
        $p4 = $adapter->getConnection();

        // copy data from source branch to the active branch.
        //  -S  indicates the source stream
        //  -P  indicates the target stream
        //  -c  to put it in the batch
        //  -F  to force the copy
        //  -v  don't copy files to workspace
        //  leading filespec arguments to limit scope (batched)
        $change   = $adapter->getBatchId();
        $batches  = $p4->batchArgs(
            array('-vF', '-c', $change, '-S', $source->getId(), '-P', $target->getId())
        foreach ($batches as $batch) {
            $p4->run('copy', $batch);

        // to detect conflicts (files in the target with changes
        // that will be overwritten), we preview a merge in the
        // opposite direction (target -> source)

        // we need to do this using the source's connection
        $p4 = $source->getStorageAdapter()->getConnection();

        // we need to reverse the include paths to reference the
        // source branch instead of the target branch - we also
        // strip the 'headChange' revspec so that we don't miss
        // new conflicts on the target branch.
        $targetBase = $target->getId() . "/";
        $sourceBase = $source->getId() . "/";
        $reverse    = array();
        foreach ($include as $path) {
            if (strpos($path, $targetBase) === 0) {
                $reverse[] = P4_File::stripRevspec(
                    $sourceBase . substr($path, strlen($targetBase))

        // preview the reverse merge
        //  -S  indicates the source stream
        //  -P  indicates the target stream
        //  -F  to force the merge
        //  -n  to preview the merge
        //  plus filespec arguments to limit scope (batched)
        $batches = $p4->batchArgs(
            array('-F', '-n', '-S', $target->getId(), '-P', $source->getId())

        // collect conflicts from merge result - note we need to
        // modify the depot files to reference the target branch.
        $conflicts = array();
        foreach ($batches as $batch) {
            $result = $p4->run('merge', $batch);
            foreach ($result->getData() as $conflict) {
                if (isset($conflict['depotFile'])
                    && strpos($conflict['depotFile'], $sourceBase) === 0
                ) {
                    $conflicts[] = $targetBase
                                 . substr($conflict['depotFile'], strlen($sourceBase));

        return $conflicts;
Site_BranchController::_doMerge ( P4Cms_Site source,
P4Cms_Site target,
array $  include,
P4Cms_Record_Adapter adapter 
) [protected]

Merge changes from source branch to target.

Returns a list of files with changes in the target (not present in the source) that will be overwritten.

P4Cms_Site$sourcethe site/branch to merge from.
P4Cms_Site$targetthe site/branch to merge into.
array$includethe list of paths to merge.
int$headChangelimit source files to this change
bool | null$previewset to true if this is only a preview
P4Cms_Record_Adapter$adapterthe storage adapter to use. (ignore newer revisions)
array files with conflicting changes (in depot syntax) Intended to provide modules an opportunity to programmatically resolve conflicts where possible. A resolve '-as' is run prior to this event so only files that were not safely auto resolved will be included. Any files which remain unresolved will be shown with a conflict warning to the end user. P4_Result $conflicts A list of the conflicts encountered during a pull operation. P4Cms_Site $target The target branch for the pull. P4Cms_Site $source The source branch for the pull. int $headChange The head change number this pull was pinned to. bool $preview Set to true if the pull operation is just a preview, false if the pull operation is to be completed. P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter The current storage connection adapter.

        $p4 = $adapter->getConnection();

        // merge data from source branch to the active branch.
        //  -S  indicates the source stream
        //  -P  indicates the target stream
        //  -c  to put it in the batch
        //  -F  to force the merge
        //  plus filespec arguments to limit scope (batched)
        $change   = $adapter->getBatchId();
        $batches  = $p4->batchArgs(
            array('-F', '-c', $change, '-S', $source->getId(), '-P', $target->getId())
        foreach ($batches as $batch) {
            $p4->run('merge', $batch);

        // perform initial safe-resolve to deal with files that can be
        // merged cleanly (only if source has changed and target has not)
        $p4->run('resolve', array('-as'));

        // allow interested parties to handle outstanding (unsafe) conflicts.
        // the last entry is the change description, so we remove it here.
        $conflicts = $p4->run('fstat', array('-e', $change, '-Ru', $target->getId() . '/...'));
        $conflicts->setData(array_slice($conflicts->getData(), 0, -1));


        // make a final determination as to which files have
        // conflicts that cannot be safely resolved
        $result = $p4->run(
                $target->getId() . '/...'

        // extract depot-files as a flat list.
        $conflicts = array();
        foreach ($result->getData() as $conflict) {
            if (isset($conflict['depotFile'])) {
                $conflicts[] = $conflict['depotFile'];

        // resolve remaining conflicts with the source branch as the authority.
        $p4->run('resolve', array('-at'));

        return $conflicts;
Site_BranchController::_doPull ( P4Cms_Site source,
P4Cms_Site target,
P4Cms_Record_Adapter adapter,
array $  include = null,
preview = false 
) [protected]

Pull from source branch to target.

P4Cms_Site$sourcethe site/branch to copy from.
P4Cms_Site$targetthe site/branch to copy into.
string$modemerge or copy
int$headChangelimit source files to this change (ignore newer revisions)
P4Cms_Record_Adapter$adapterthe storage adapter to use.
array | null$includethe list of paths to pull (null for all)
bool | null$previewset to true to revert instead of commit needed to detect conflicts.
Site_Model_PullPathGroup the paths affected by this pull grouped logically. Provides an opportunity for modules to react to pulling changes from the source branch into the target branch just prior to the paths being grouped. This event will occur for both actual pulls (where a postSubmit event will follow) and for previews (used to inform the user of which files are available for pull) where the data is never actually submitted. P4Cms_Site $target The target branch for the pull. P4Cms_Site $source The source branch for the pull. int $headChange A numerical revision representing the head change on the source branch to pull. P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter The current storage connection adapter.

        // include defaults to all files.
        $include = $include ?: array($target->getId() . '/...');

        // append head change to all of the include paths so that
        // we don't pull changes newer than those shown to the user.
        foreach ($include as &$path) {
            $path .= "@" . $headChange;

        // begin a new batch to contain the pull operation
            ($mode == Site_Form_Pull::MODE_COPY ? 'Copying' : 'Merging')
            . ' from ' . $source->getStream()->getName()
            . ' to '   . $target->getStream()->getName()

        // two modes of operation:
        //   copy - clones source branch into target
        //  merge - propagates new changes since last pull
        if ($mode == Site_Form_Pull::MODE_COPY) {
            $conflicts = $this->_doCopy($source, $target, $include, $headChange, $preview, $adapter);
        } else {
            $conflicts = $this->_doMerge($source, $target, $include, $headChange, $preview, $adapter);

        // give third-parties one last shot at modifying pull

        // determine which files have been affected by this pull operation
        // and organize the affected paths into human-friendly groups.
        $result = $adapter->getConnection()->run(
                $target->getId() . '/...'
        $paths = $this->_groupPullPaths($result, $conflicts, $source, $target);

        // if we're previewing, revert and return early.
        if ($preview) {
            return $paths;

        // submit our pull operation.

        // pulling changes can affect everything, clear all caches.

        return $paths;
Site_BranchController::_groupPullPaths ( result,
array $  conflicts,
) [protected]

Group the paths affected by a pull operation in a human-friendly way.

P4_Result$resultthe output from a merge or copy command
array$conflictsa flat list of depot-files in conflict.
P4Cms_Site$sourcethe source site/branch of the pull operation
P4Cms_Site$targetthe target site/branch of the pull operation
Site_Model_PullPathGroup the paths affected by this pull grouped logically. The passed paths object starts with all paths being pulled directly associated with it. Modules should add sub-groups and move logically grouped paths into them. They can also set callbacks on the sub-groups to provide human friendly entry titles and counts. Any paths left at the top level will be automatically moved into an 'Other' group after this event completes. Site_Model_PullPathGroup $paths The path structure to be organized. P4Cms_Site $source The source branch. P4Cms_Site $target The target branch. P4_Result $result the output from a merge or copy command.

        $paths = new Site_Model_PullPathGroup;

        // put all paths in the root initially.
        // here we also check if this file is conflicting.
        foreach ($result->getData() as $path) {
            if (isset($path['depotFile'])) {
                $path['conflict'] = in_array($path['depotFile'], $conflicts);

        // let third-parties organize paths.
        // the objective here is to move paths from the
        // root down into sub-groups.

        // put all remaining root paths into a 'other' sub-group.
        if ($paths->getPaths()->count()) {
           $other = new Site_Model_PullPathGroup(
                   'label' => 'Other',
                   'order' => 100,
                   'paths' => $paths->getPaths()

        return $paths;
Site_BranchController::_restoreObligatory ( P4Cms_Model_Iterator items,
P4Cms_Model_Iterator originals 
) [protected]

Scans over the filtered list of branch/site items and re-adds any missing ancestors to ensure we can show a full heirachy to our matches.

P4Cms_Model_Iterator$itemsThe filtered list of items
P4Cms_Model_Iterator$originalsA full list of all items
P4Cms_Model_Iterator A new iterator with the obligatory items restored
        // produce an original list indexed by id for later lookups
        $originalsById = new P4Cms_Model_Iterator;
        foreach ($originals as $original) {
            $originalsById[$original->getId()] = $original;

        // produce an array of obligatory items to later tack back on
        $obligatory = array();
        $itemKeys   = $items->invoke('getId');
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            // skip over site entries; they won't have any parents
            if ($item->getValue('type') == 'site') {

            // if the item's site isn't listed; add it to obligatory
            if (!in_array($item->getValue('siteId'), $itemKeys)) {
                $obligatory[] = $item->getValue('siteId');

            // switch to the 'stream' layer and go through parents
            $parent = $item->getValue('branch')->getStream();
            while ($parent = $parent->getParentObject()) {
                if (!in_array($parent->getId(), $itemKeys)) {
                    $obligatory[] = $parent->getId();

        // append and mark obligatory items but maintain original item ordering
        $obligatory = array_unique($obligatory);
        $result     = new P4Cms_Model_Iterator;
        foreach ($originalsById as $id => $item) {
           if (in_array($id, $obligatory)) {
               $item->setValue('obligatory', true);
           } else if (in_array($id, $itemKeys)) {

        return $result;
Site_BranchController::addAction ( )

Add a new site branch. Provides an opportunity for modules to modify a new branch just prior to its files being committed to Perforce. P4Cms_Site $branch The branch being added. P4Cms_Site $parent The new branch's parent branch. P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter The current storage connection adapter. Provides an opportunity for modules to modify a new branch just after its files have been committed to Perforce. P4Cms_Site $branch The branch just added. P4Cms_Site $parent The new branch's parent branch. P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter The current storage connection adapter.

        // set up view
        $request    = $this->getRequest();
        $form       = new Site_Form_Branch;
        $view       = $this->view;
        $view->form = $form;
        $view->headTitle()->set('Add Branch');

        // populate form from request to fill in default values

        if ($request->isPost() && $form->isValid($request->getPost())) {

            // verify we are allowed to pull from parent.
            $parent = P4Cms_Site::fetch($form->getValue('parent'));
            $this->acl->check('branch', 'pull-from', null, null, $parent->getAcl());

            // compose new branch id.
            $filter = new P4Cms_Filter_TitleToId;
            $id     = '//' . $form->getValue('site') . '/' . $filter->filter($form->getValue('name'));

            // resolve conflicting ids by appending an incrementing number
            for ($raw = $id, $i = 2; P4Cms_Site::exists($id); $i++) {
                $id = $raw . '-' . $i;

            // create the site stream (each site branch relates 1:1 with a stream)
            $stream = new P4_Stream();
                   ->setPaths('share ...')

            // fetch our new site/branch object (must clear site cache first)
            P4Cms_Cache::remove(P4Cms_Site::CACHE_KEY, 'global');
            $branch = P4Cms_Site::fetch($stream->getId());

            // setup a new batch operation to contain the branch copy and configure.
            $p4      = $branch->getConnection();
            $adapter = $branch->getStorageAdapter();
            $change  = $adapter->beginBatch(
                'Creating ' . $stream->getId() . ' from ' . $stream->getParent()

            // copy data from parent to the new branch.
            //  -S  indicates the new stream
            //  -r  so it goes from parent to stream
            //  -c  to put it in the batch
            //  -F  to force the copy
            //  -v  don't copy files to workspace
            $p4->run('copy', array('-c', $change, '-vrFS', $stream->getId()));

            // configure new branch according to parent branch and new branch form.

            // by default new branches should not be accessible by anonymous users.
            // we assume that new branches are for staging, testing, etc.
            $acl = clone $parent->getAcl();

            // give third-parties a chance to modify new branch.

            // commit the copy and configure.

            // give third-parties the chance to react to a new branch

            // clear the global 'sites' cache (again).
            P4Cms_Cache::remove(P4Cms_Site::CACHE_KEY, 'global');

            // set notification message
            $view->message = "Branch '" . $form->getValue('name') . "' has been successfully added.";

            // add a notification if requested or in a traditional context.
            if ($request->getParam('notify') || !$this->contextSwitch->getCurrentContext()) {

            // for traditional requests, redirect
            if (!$this->contextSwitch->getCurrentContext()) {

        // if form contains errors, set response code and exit
        if ($form->getMessages()) {
            $view->errors = $form->getMessages();
Site_BranchController::deleteAction ( )

Delete a site branch.

        // enforce permissions
        $this->acl->check('site', 'manage-branches');

        // deny if not accessed via post
        $request = $this->getRequest();
        if (!$request->isPost()) {
            throw new P4Cms_AccessDeniedException(
                "Deleting branches is not permitted in this context."

        // delete stream associated with the branch
        $id     = $request->getParam('id');
        $stream = P4_Stream::fetch($id);

        // clear all caches - this clears the global site
        // cache and everything related to this site

        // set notification and redirect for traditional requests
        if (!$this->contextSwitch->getCurrentContext()) {
                'Branch "'. $stream->getName() .'" has been deleted.',

        $this->view->branchId = $id;
Site_BranchController::editAction ( )

Edit site branch.

        // enforce permissions.
        $this->acl->check('site', 'manage-branches');

        // set up view
        $request    = $this->getRequest();
        $form       = new Site_Form_EditBranch;
        $view       = $this->view;
        $view->form = $form;
        $view->headTitle()->set('Edit Branch');

        // fetch the branch to edit
        $id         = $request->getParam('id', P4Cms_Site::fetchActive()->getId());
        $branch     = P4Cms_Site::fetch($id);
        $stream     = $branch->getStream();

        // populate form from the request if posted, otherwise from the storage
        $data = $request->isPost()
            ? $request->getParams()
            : array(
                'id'          => $id,
                'name'        => $stream->getName(),
                'parent'      => $stream->getParent(),
                'description' => $stream->getDescription(),
                'urls'        => implode(', ', $branch->getConfig()->getUrls())

        // if posted, validate the form and update the branch
        if ($request->isPost() && $form->isValid($request->getPost())) {

            // update stream related to the branch

            // update branch url

            // clear the global 'sites' cache.
            P4Cms_Cache::remove(P4Cms_Site::CACHE_KEY, 'global');

            // set notification message
            $view->message = "Branch '" . $form->getValue('name') . "' has been successfully updated.";

            // for traditional requests, add notification message and redirect
            if (!$this->contextSwitch->getCurrentContext()) {

        // if form contains errors, set response code and exit
        if ($form->getMessages()) {
            $view->errors = $form->getMessages();
Site_BranchController::init ( )

Set the management layout for all actions.

Site_BranchController::manageAction ( )

List sites/branches for management. Modify the passed menu (add/modify/delete items) to influence the actions shown on entries in the Manage Sites and Branches grid. P4Cms_Navigation $actions A menu to hold grid actions. Return the passed item after applying any modifications (add properties, change values, etc.) to influence the row values sent to the Manage Sites and Branches grid. array $item The item to potentially modify. mixed $model The original object/array that was used to make the item. Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid $helper The view helper that broadcast this topic. Adjust the passed data (add properties, modify values, etc.) to influence the row values sent to the Manage Sites and Branches grid. Zend_Dojo_Data $data The data to be filtered. Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid $helper The view helper that broadcast this topic. Adjust the passed iterator (possibly based on values in the passed form) to filter which branches will be shown on the Manage Sites and Branches grid. P4Cms_Model_Iterator $branches An iterator of P4Cms_Site objects. P4Cms_Form_PubSubForm $form A form containing filter options. Make adjustments to the datagrid helper's options pre-render (e.g. change options to add columns) for the Manage Sites and Branches grid. Ui_View_Helper_DataGrid $helper The view helper that broadcast this topic. Make arbitrary modifications to the Manage Sites and Branches filters form. P4Cms_Form_PubSubForm $form The form that published this event. Return a Form (or array of Forms) to have them added to the Manage Sites and Branches filters form. The returned form(s) should have a 'name' set on them to allow them to be uniquely identified. P4Cms_Form_PubSubForm $form The form that published this event. Allows subscribers to adjust the Manage Sites and Branches filters form prior to validation of the passed data. For example, modify element values based on related selections to permit proper validation. P4Cms_Form_PubSubForm $form The form that published this event. array $values An associative array of form values. Return false to indicate the Manage Sites and Branches filters form is invalid. Return true to indicate your custom checks were satisfied, so form validity should be unchanged. P4Cms_Form_PubSubForm $form The form that published this event. array $values An associative array of form values. Allows subscribers to adjust the Manage Sites and Branches filters form after it has been populated with the passed data. P4Cms_Form_PubSubForm $form The form that published this event. array $values The values passed to the populate method.

        // enforce permissions.
        $this->acl->check('site', 'manage-branches');

        // setup list options form
        $request        = $this->getRequest();
        $gridNamespace  = '';
        $view           = $this->view;

        // collect the actions from interested parties
        $actions = new P4Cms_Navigation;
        P4Cms_PubSub::publish($gridNamespace . '.actions', $actions);
        $view->actions = $actions;

        // determine whether to show add site/branch footer buttons.
        $view->showAddSiteButton   = $this->acl->isAllowed('site', 'add');
        $view->showAddBranchButton = P4Cms_Site::fetchAll(
            array(P4Cms_Site::FETCH_BY_ACL => array('branch', 'pull-from'))

        // set DataGrid view helper namespace
        $helper = $view->dataGrid();

        // create a list of sites and their branches.
        // the 'site' entries really represent the depot the site branches
        // live in. we don't actually have an object for this so we simply
        // use a P4Cms_Model with a few basic details.
        $user     = P4Cms_User::fetchActive();
        $active   = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive();
        $branches = P4Cms_Site::fetchAll();
        $items    = new P4Cms_Model_Iterator;
        $lastSite = null;
        foreach ($branches as $branch) {
            // if this branch is on a new site (depot really) add a
            // site entry to our list of items
            $siteId = $branch->getSiteId();
            if ($lastSite != $siteId) {
                $item = new P4Cms_Model;
                        'siteId'    => $item->getId(),
                        'type'      => 'site',
                        'owner'     => P4_Depot::fetch($item->getId())->getOwner(),
                        'name'      => $branch->getConfig()->getTitle()
                $items[]  = $item;
                $lastSite = $siteId;

            // pull the useful details off the branch and its stream/config
            // and place them onto a new generic model
            $stream = $branch->getStream();
            $config = $branch->getConfig();
            $parent = $stream->getParent();
            $item   = new P4Cms_Model;
                    'siteId'        => $branch->getSiteId(),
                    'type'          => $stream->getType(),
                    'owner'         => $stream->getOwner(),
                    'name'          => $stream->getName(),
                    'basename'      => $branch->getBranchBasename(),
                    'parent'        => $parent,
                    'parentName'    => $parent && isset($items[$parent]) ? $items[$parent]->name : null,
                    'description'   => $stream->getDescription(),
                    'siteTitle'     => $config->getTitle(),
                    'url'           => $config->getUrl(),
                    'depth'         => $stream->getDepth(),
                    'branch'        => $branch,
                    'isParent'      => false,
                    'isActive'      => $branch->getId() == $active->getId(),
                    'canPull'       => $user->isAllowed('branch', 'pull-from', $branch->getAcl()),
                    'canDelete'     => $branch->getId() != $active->getId() && $stream->getType() !== 'mainline'
            $items[$branch->getId()] = $item;

            // update isParent flag on parent's item
            if ($parent && isset($items[$parent])) {
                $items[$parent]->setValue('isParent', true)
                               ->setValue('canDelete', false);

        // create the site form now that we have the list of items to hand it
        $form = new Site_Form_BranchGridOptions(
                'namespace'   => $gridNamespace,
                'items'       => $items

        // complete setting up view
        $view->form         = $form;
        $view->pageSize     = $request->getParam('count', 100);
        $view->rowOffset    = $request->getParam('start', 0);
        $view->pageOffset   = round($view->rowOffset / $view->pageSize, 0) + 1;
        $view->headTitle()->set('Sites and Branches');

        // early exit for standard requests (ie. not json)
        if (!$this->contextSwitch->getCurrentContext()) {
            // ensure we are using the management layout


        // create a copy so we can later restore the 'obligitory' items
        $copy = new P4Cms_Model_Iterator($items->getArrayCopy());

        // allow third-parties to influence list
        try {
            P4Cms_PubSub::publish($gridNamespace . '.populate', $items, $form);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            P4Cms_Log::logException("Error building branches list.", $e);

        // put back any missing parents so the tree can display properly
        $items = $this->_restoreObligatory($items, $copy);

        // compose list of sorted items
        $view->items = $items;
Site_BranchController::manageActiveAction ( )

Loads manage grid pre-filtered for the active site.

        $site = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive();
        $this->getRequest()->setParam('site', array('sites' => array($site->getSiteId())));

Site_BranchController::pullAction ( )

Pull changes from another branch to the current branch. Provides an opportunity for modules to react to pulling changes from the source branch into the target branch just after the files have been committed to Perforce. Site_Model_PullPathGroup $paths The paths affected by this pull, grouped logically. P4Cms_Site $target The target branch for the pull. P4Cms_Site $source The source branch for the pull. P4Cms_Record_Adapter $adapter The current storage connection adapter.

        // enforce permissions (we will check pull-from later)
        $this->acl->check('branch', 'pull-into');

        $request = $this->getRequest();
        $mode    = $request->getParam('mode', Site_Form_Pull::MODE_MERGE);
        $paths   = new Site_Model_PullPathGroup;
        $adapter = P4Cms_User::fetchActive()->getPersonalAdapter();
        $target  = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive();
        $source  = $request->getParam('source')
            ? P4Cms_Site::fetch($request->getParam('source'))
            : null;

        // verify that we can pull from the selected source.
        if ($source) {
            $this->acl->check('branch', 'pull-from', null, null, $source->getAcl());

        // if the request is posted and a source head-change has been
        // specified, we will use this to "pin" the pull to that point
        // in time - if we don't do this, newly submitted files might
        // make their way into the pull operation.
        if ($request->getPost('headChange')) {
            $headChange = $request->getPost('headChange');
        } else {
            $headChange = P4_Change::fetchAll(
                    P4_Change::FETCH_BY_STATUS => P4_Change::SUBMITTED_CHANGE,
                    P4_Change::FETCH_MAXIMUM   => 1

            // set on request so it makes its way into the form.
            $request->setParam('headChange', $headChange);

        // if we have a source selected, preview the pull so that
        // we can inform the user about what paths will be affected
        // this means that we actually perform the pull twice if
        // the user is posting (doing the pull) - we can't skip this
        // step because we need to know all of the path groups to
        // validate the user's input.
        // @todo    consider caching this result for performance.
        if ($source) {
            $paths = $this->_doPull($source, $target, $mode, $headChange, $adapter, null, true);

        // set the pull mode and source on the path group so that
        // the form can investigate how the paths were generated
        $paths->setValues(array('mode' => $mode, 'source' => $source));

        // set up view
        $form       = new Site_Form_Pull(array('pathGroup' => $paths));
        $view       = $this->view;
        $view->form = $form;
        $view->headTitle()->set('Pull Changes');

        // allow form to be primed via get params. we exclude 'paths' when
        // doing this as we want to keep the defaults if this isn't a post.
        $values = $request->getParams();

        if ($request->isPost() && $form->isValid($request->getParams())) {

            // collect selected paths to merge from the form.
            // the form only contains ids that relate back to path groups.
            // we need to find the groups associated with those ids to get the paths.
            $include = array();
            foreach ($form->getValue('paths') as $pathGroupId) {
                $group = $paths->findById($pathGroupId);
                if ($group) {
                    $include = array_merge($include, $group->getIncludePaths());

            // perform the pull
            $paths    = $this->_doPull($source, $target, $mode, $headChange, $adapter, $include);
            $affected = $paths->getCount($paths::RECURSIVE);

            // give third-parties the chance to react to a completed pull

            // clear all caches because pull can have a very broad impact

            // set notification message
            $view->severity = P4Cms_Notifications::SEVERITY_SUCCESS;
            $view->message  = "Pulled " . $affected . " item" . ($affected != 1 ? "s" : "")
                            . " from '" . $source->getStream()->getName() . "'.";

            // we add the notification even for context specific requests
            // because the JS that drives the pull dialog does a reload
            // and the user wouldn't otherwise see a notification.
            P4Cms_Notifications::add($view->message, $view->severity);

            // for traditional requests, add notification message and redirect
            if (!$this->contextSwitch->getCurrentContext()) {

        // if form contains errors, set response code and exit
        if ($form->getMessages()) {
            $view->errors = $form->getMessages();
Site_BranchController::pullDetailsAction ( )

Provides the details for specified include path(s).

        // enforce 'pull-into' permission (later we check pull-from).
        $this->acl->check('branch', 'pull-into');

        // default to partial context if none is specified
        if (!$this->contextSwitch->getCurrentContext()) {

        $request    = $this->getRequest();
        $mode       = $request->getParam('mode', Site_Form_Pull::MODE_MERGE);
        $headChange = $request->getParam('headChange') ?: 'now';
        $groupId    = $request->getParam('groupId');
        $adapter    = P4Cms_User::fetchActive()->getPersonalAdapter();
        $target     = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive();
        $source     = P4Cms_Site::fetch($request->getParam('source'));

        // enforce pull-from permission
        $this->acl->check('branch', 'pull-from', null, null, $source->getAcl());

        $groups  = $this->_doPull($source, $target, $mode, $headChange, $adapter, null, true);
        $group   = $groups->findById($groupId);
        $details = $group->getDetails(Site_Model_PullPathGroup::RECURSIVE);
        $columns = $request->getParam('columns', $details->getProperty('columns'));

        // sort details by conflict, then by label (so conflicts are first)
                'conflict'  => array($details::SORT_DESCENDING),
                'label'     => array($details::SORT_NATURAL, $details::SORT_NO_CASE)

        $this->view->groups  = $groups;
        $this->view->details = $details;
        $this->view->columns = $columns;
Site_BranchController::switchAction ( )

Transfer user's credentials to this branch if they are not already logged in.

Supports jsonp if 'callback' is passed.

        // force json context.

        $user      = P4Cms_User::fetchActive();
        $view      = $this->view;
        $request   = $this->getRequest();
        $sessionId = $request->getParam('sessionId');
        $csrf      = $request->getParam(P4Cms_Form::CSRF_TOKEN_NAME);
        $callback  = $request->getParam('callback');

        // whitelist the allowed characters for callbacks
        $callback  = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\.]/', '', $callback);

        // if the user isn't already logged into this branch, and a
        // session id is present for another branch, try and clone
        // the session data from the branch the user is switching
        // from so that they will remain logged in on the new branch.
        if ($user->isAnonymous() && $sessionId) {
            // pull out any current session data for this branch
            // we will merge it with the auth and cache details
            // present on the branch they are switching from
            $original = $_SESSION;

            // kill our current session so we can read in the session
            // data of the branch they are switching from

            // force our session id to the passed value

            // try to restart, we silence warnings that occur for invalid IDs

            // regenerate a fresh id but don't destroy the passed session

            // only copy over the authentication and cache details
            // if the csrf token matches, otherwise we leave the
            // current session data alone
            $data = array();
            if ($csrf === P4Cms_Form::getCsrfToken()) {
                $authKey   = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getStorage()->getNamespace();
                $cacheKey  = P4Cms_Cache_Frontend_Action::SESSION_NAMESPACE;
                $_SESSION += array($authKey => null, $cacheKey => null);
                $data      = array(
                    $authKey  => $_SESSION[$authKey],
                    $cacheKey => $_SESSION[$cacheKey]

            // blend any source branch data (auth/cache) with the
            // existing destinations branch's session data
            $_SESSION = $data + $original;

        $view->callback = $callback;
        $view->site     = P4Cms_Site::fetchActive();

Member Data Documentation

Initial value:
        'manage'        => array('json'),
        'add'           => array('json', 'partial'),
        'edit'          => array('json', 'partial'),
        'delete'        => array('json'),
        'pull'          => array('json', 'partial'),
        'pull-details'  => array('json', 'partial'),
        'switch'        => array('json')

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: