Perforce Chronicle 2012.2/486814
API Documentation

User_Test_IndexControllerTest Class Reference

Test the user index controller. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 testAddBadPost ()
 Test add action with bad post.
 testAddDefaultRoleAdministrator ()
 Test default roles pre-selection when adding new user as administrator.
 testAddDefaultRoleAnonymous ()
 Test roles element when adding new user as anonymous.
 testAddGoodPost ()
 Test add action with good post.
 testAddGoodPostConstraints ()
 Test add action with good post with some constraints.
 testAddWithRoles ()
 Test add as admin assigning roles.
 testBadLogin ()
 Test login action with bad data.
 testBadLoginWithEmail ()
 Test login action with bad email.
 testDeleteConstraints ()
 Test constraints when deleting a user.
 testDeleteGet ()
 Test delete action via get.
 testDeleteGoodPost ()
 Test delete action with good post.
 testEditBadPost ()
 Test edit action with bad post.
 testEditConstraints ()
 Test constraints when editing a user.
 testEditGoodPost ()
 Test edit action with good post.
 testEditNoId ()
 Test response when attempted to edit user with no id.
 testEditWrongId ()
 Test response when attempted to edit user with non-existing id.
 testGoodEmailLogin ()
 Test login action with good email.
 testGoodLogin ()
 Test login action with good data.
 testIndexAction ()
 Test manage users grid.
 testNullPassword ()
 Ensure that User_Form_Edit form returns null as password value when changePassword checkbox is not checked.

Protected Member Functions

 _initPerforceUsers ($assignMemberRole=true)
 Initialize Perforce users.

Detailed Description

Test the user index controller.

2011-2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved
Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.

Member Function Documentation

User_Test_IndexControllerTest::_initPerforceUsers ( assignMemberRole = true) [protected]

Initialize Perforce users.

boolean$assignMemberRoleif true, then member role will be automatically assigned to the user
        // Add 'instant-user' user
        $user = new P4Cms_User;
             ->setFullName('Instant User')

        // assign user a member role if requested
        if ($assignMemberRole) {
            $role = P4Cms_Acl_Role::fetch(P4Cms_Acl_Role::ROLE_MEMBER);
User_Test_IndexControllerTest::testAddBadPost ( )

Test add action with bad post.


        $counter = new P4_Counter;
        $counter->setId('security')->setValue(1, true);

        // add some users needed for testing username duplicate filter

        $tests = array(
                'message'   => "Expected error due to passwords don't match.",
                'params'    =>
                    array (
                        'id'                => 'bob',
                        'password'          => 'aaa',
                        'passwordConfirm'   => 'aaax',
                        'fullName'          => 'Bob Bobson',
                        'email'             => '',
                'errorMessage'  => User_Form_Add::E_PASSWORDS_MISMATCH,
                'userExists'    => false

                'message'   => "Expected error due to too short password.",
                'params'    =>
                    array (
                        'id'                => 'steve',
                        'password'          => 'pswd',
                        'passwordConfirm'   => 'pswd',
                        'fullName'          => 'Blank',
                        'email'             => '',
                'errorMessage'  => "Passwords must be at least 8 characters long",
                'userExists'    => false

                'message'   => "Expected error due to weak password.",
                'params'    =>
                    array (
                        'id'                => 'weak',
                        'password'          => 'aabbccddee',
                        'passwordConfirm'   => 'aabbccddee',
                        'fullName'          => 'John Weak',
                        'email'             => '',
                'errorMessage'  => "Passwords must be at least 8 characters long",
                'userExists'    => false

                'message'   => "Expected error due to wrong email address.",
                'params'    =>
                    array (
                        'id'                => 'joe',
                        'password'          => 'blabla',
                        'passwordConfirm'   => 'blabla',
                        'fullName'          => 'Joe Joeson',
                        'email'             => '',
                'errorMessage'  => "'' is not a valid email address",
                'userExists'    => false

                'message'   => "Expected error due to already existing user.",
                'params'    =>
                    array (
                        'id'                => 'instant-user',
                        'password'          => 'qwe123AA',
                        'passwordConfirm'   => 'qwe123AA',
                        'fullName'          => 'Test Tester',
                        'email'             => '',
                'errorMessage'  => str_replace("%s", "instant-user", User_Form_Add::E_USER_EXISTS),
                'userExists'    => true

                'message'   => "Expected error due to non-allowed username.",
                'params'    =>
                    array (
                        'id'                => '123',
                        'password'          => '777000',
                        'passwordConfirm'   => '777000',
                        'fullName'          => 'Pure Numeric',
                        'email'             => '',
                'errorMessage'  => 'Purely numeric values are not allowed',
                'userExists'    => false

        foreach ($tests as $test) {

            $responseBody = $this->response->getBody();

            $this->assertModule('user',         'Expected module.');
            $this->assertController('index',    'Expected controller');
            $this->assertAction('add',          'Expected action');

                strpos($responseBody, $test['errorMessage']) !== false,

            // verify that user has not been added to Perforce users
            if (!$test['userExists']) {
User_Test_IndexControllerTest::testAddDefaultRoleAdministrator ( )

Test default roles pre-selection when adding new user as administrator.


        // ensure member role is present
        if (!P4Cms_Acl_Role::exists(P4Cms_Acl_Role::ROLE_MEMBER)) {
                    'id'        => P4Cms_Acl_Role::ROLE_MEMBER,
                    'users'     => array('tester')


        // verify roles element is present in the user add form
            'form.user-add-form #roles-element',
            "Expected presence of roles element in the user form."

        // verify member role is preselected by default
            '//input[@type="checkbox" and @value="'.P4Cms_Acl_Role::ROLE_MEMBER.'" and @checked="checked"]',
            "Expected member role is pre-selected when adding new user."
User_Test_IndexControllerTest::testAddDefaultRoleAnonymous ( )

Test roles element when adding new user as anonymous.



        // verify roles element is not rendered in the form as anonymous user doesn't
        // have permission to manage roles
            'form.user-add-form #roles-element',
            "Unexpected presence of roles element in the user form."
User_Test_IndexControllerTest::testAddGoodPost ( )

Test add action with good post.


        $params = array(
            'id'        => 'bob',
            'fullName'  => 'Bob Bobson',
            'email'     => '',


        $this->assertModule('user',         'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('index',    'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('add',          'Expected action');

        // verify that user has been added to Perforce users
User_Test_IndexControllerTest::testAddGoodPostConstraints ( )

Test add action with good post with some constraints.

        // set default adapter to use a non-super privileged connection
                'id'        => 'foo',
                'email'     => '',
                'fullName'  => 'Mr Foo',
                'password'  => 'asdf1234'

        // add foo to the owners of the member group so he can add users

        // modify default adapter to use foo's connection
        $connection = P4_Connection::factory(

        $adapter = P4Cms_Record::getDefaultAdapter();

        // impersonate with some existing role, otherwise (because now connection is not super)
        // adding users will be denied by the acl check

        // try to add user with different security levels
        for ($i = 0; $i <= 2; $i++) {

            $counter = new P4_Counter;
            $counter->setId('security')->setValue($i, true);

            $user   = 'bob' . $i;
            $email  = $user . '';
            $params = array(
                'id'                => $user,
                'fullName'          => 'Bob Bobson',
                'email'             => $email,
                'password'          => 'qwert123',
                'passwordConfirm'   => 'qwert123'



            $this->assertModule('user',         "Expected module (security $i).");
            $this->assertController('index',    "Expected controller (security $i).");
            $this->assertAction('add',          "Expected action (security $i).");

            // verify that user has been added to Perforce users

            // verify that email matches
            $user = P4Cms_User::fetch($user);
                "Expected user's email (security level $i)."

            // ensure passwordConfirm field was not saved in user record (config)
                "Expected user record doesn't contain passwordConfirm value."
User_Test_IndexControllerTest::testAddWithRoles ( )

Test add as admin assigning roles.


        // assign some roles as well
                'id'        => 'manager',
                'users'     => array('bob')
                'id'        => 'director',
                'users'     => array('bob')
                'id'        => 'ceo',
                'users'     => array('bob')

        $params = array(
            'id'        => 'joe',
            'fullName'  => 'Joey',
            'email'     => '',
            'roles'     => array('manager', 'ceo')


        $this->assertModule('user',         'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('index',    'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('add',          'Expected action');

        // verify that user has been added to Perforce users

        //verify user has member role
        $userRoles = P4Cms_User::fetch('joe')->getRoles()->invoke('getId');
            "Expected new user has 2 roles"
            in_array('manager', $userRoles),
            "Expected user has manager role"
            in_array('ceo', $userRoles),
            "Expected user has ceo role"
User_Test_IndexControllerTest::testBadLogin ( )

Test login action with bad data.

        $this->request->setPost(array('user' => 'instant-user'));

        $start = microtime(true);
        $lapse = microtime(true) - $start;

        $this->assertModule('user',         'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('index',    'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('login',        'Expected action');

            'ul.errors li',
            'Login failed. Invalid user or password.',
            'Expected login error, attempt 1'

        // ensure there at least a one second delay.
        $this->assertTrue((round($lapse) >= 1), "Expected minimum 1 second delay.");

        // test that user must have member role for successful login

        $this->request->setPost(array('user' => 'instant-user', 'password' => 'aaaAAA123'));


        $this->assertModule('user',         'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('index',    'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('login',        'Expected action');

            'ul.errors li',
            'You do not have permission to access this site.',
            'Expected login error, attempt 2'
User_Test_IndexControllerTest::testBadLoginWithEmail ( )

Test login action with bad email.

        $this->request->setPost(array('user' => ''));

        $start = microtime(true);
        $lapse = microtime(true) - $start;

        $this->assertModule('user',         'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('index',    'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('login',        'Expected action');

            'ul.errors li',
            'You do not have permission to access this site.',
            'Expected login error'

        // ensure there at least a one second delay.
        $this->assertTrue((round($lapse) >= 1), "Expected minimum 1 second delay.");
User_Test_IndexControllerTest::testDeleteConstraints ( )

Test constraints when deleting a user.


        $this->request->setPost(array('id' => P4Cms_User::fetchActive()->getId()));

        // ensure last administrator cannot be removed
        $responseBody = $this->response->getBody();

        $this->assertModule('error',            'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('index',        'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('access-denied',    'Expected action');

            "/The only administrator cannot be deleted/",
            "Expected Redirection to Access Denied page when try to delete last administrator."
User_Test_IndexControllerTest::testDeleteGet ( )

Test delete action via get.


        // add user
        $user = new P4Cms_User;
             ->setFullName('To Remove')

        // verify that user has been added to Perforce users

        // try to remove via GET - shouldn't work (throws P4Cms_AccessDeniedException exception)

        $responseBody = $this->response->getBody();

        $this->assertModule('error',            'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('index',        'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('access-denied',    'Expected action');

            "/Deleting users is not permitted in this context/",
            "Expected Redirection to Access Denied page"

        // verify that user still exists
User_Test_IndexControllerTest::testDeleteGoodPost ( )

Test delete action with good post.


        // add user
        $user = new P4Cms_User;
             ->setFullName('To Remove')

        // verify that user has been added to Perforce users

        // try to remove via post - should work
        $this->request->setPost(array('id' => 'delete-test'));


        $this->assertModule('user',         'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('index',    'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('delete',       'Expected action');

        // verify that user is gone
        //verify that user's config file is gone as well
User_Test_IndexControllerTest::testEditBadPost ( )

Test edit action with bad post.



        $tests = array(
                'loggedUser'            => null,
                'loggedUserPassword'    => null,
                'message'               => __LINE__,
                'security'              => 0,
                'params'                => array(
                    'id'                => 'instant-user',
                    'email'             => '',
                    'fullName'          => 'Bob Bobson',
                    'changePassword'    => 1,
                    'currentPassword'   => 'aaaAAA123',
                    'password'          => 'a',
                    'passwordConfirm'   => 'af',
                'errorMessage'          => User_Form_Add::E_PASSWORDS_MISMATCH,
                'loggedUser'            => null,
                'loggedUserPassword'    => null,
                'message'               => __LINE__,
                'security'              => 1,
                'params'                => array(
                    'id'                => 'instant-user',
                    'email'             => '',
                    'fullName'          => 'Bob Bobson',
                    'changePassword'    => 1,
                    'currentPassword'   => 'aaaAAA123',
                    'password'          => 'abc',
                    'passwordConfirm'   => 'abc',
                'errorMessage'          => 'Passwords must be at least 8 characters long',

        foreach ($tests as $test) {
            // @todo incorporate ability to change active user,
            // currently all edits are done under tester account

            $params = $test['params'];
            $userId = $params['id'];

            // set security level
            $counter = new P4_Counter;
            $counter->setId('security')->setValue($test['security'], true);

            // test edit
            $responseBody = $this->response->getBody();

            $this->assertModule('user',         'Expected module.');
            $this->assertController('index',    'Expected controller');
            $this->assertAction('edit',         'Expected action');

            // verify there is an error message
                strpos($responseBody, $test['errorMessage']) !== false,
                "Expected error message '{$test['errorMessage']}' not found, line: " . $test['message']
User_Test_IndexControllerTest::testEditConstraints ( )

Test constraints when editing a user.


        // impersonating administrator role implies there is one admin user, ensure its true
        $admins = P4Cms_Acl_Role::fetch(P4Cms_Acl_Role::ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR)->getRealUsers();
            count($admins) == 1,
            "Assuming existence of exactly one administrator"

        // try remove admin role for this user
        $user   = P4Cms_User::fetch($admins[0]);
        $params = array(
            'id'                => $user->getId(),
            'email'             => $user->getEmail(),
            'fullName'          => $user->getFullName(),
            'changePassword'    => 0

        $responseBody = $this->response->getBody();

        $this->assertModule('user',         'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('index',    'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('edit',         'Expected action');

        $this->assertQueryContentContains('ul.errors li', "'administrator' role is required.");
User_Test_IndexControllerTest::testEditGoodPost ( )

Test edit action with good post.



        $tests = array(
                'loggedUser'            => null,
                'loggedUserPassword'    => null,
                'message'               => __LINE__,
                'security'              => 0,
                'params'                =>
                    array (
                        'id'                => 'instant-user',
                        'email'             => '',
                        'fullName'          => 'Bob Bobson',
                        'changePassword'    => 1,
                        'currentPassword'   => 'aaaAAA123',
                        'password'          => 'a',
                        'passwordConfirm'   => 'a',
                'passwordAfterSave'     => 'a',
                'loggedUser'            => null,
                'loggedUserPassword'    => null,
                'message'               => __LINE__,
                'security'              => 0,
                'params'                =>
                    array (
                        'id'                => 'instant-user',
                        'email'             => '',
                        'fullName'          => 'Foo',
                        'changePassword'    => '',
                        'currentPassword'   => 'a',
                        'password'          => 'b',
                        'passwordConfirm'   => 'b',
                'passwordAfterSave'     => 'a',
                'loggedUser'            => null,
                'loggedUserPassword'    => null,
                'message'               => __LINE__,
                'security'              => 0,
                'params'                =>
                    array (
                        'id'                => 'instant-user',
                        'email'             => '',
                        'fullName'          => 'Bob 2',
                        'changePassword'    => 1,
                        'currentPassword'   => 'a',
                        'password'          => 'b',
                        'passwordConfirm'   => 'b',
                'passwordAfterSave'     => 'b',
                'loggedUser'            => null,
                'loggedUserPassword'    => null,
                'message'               => __LINE__,
                'security'              => 0,
                'params'                =>
                    array (
                        'id'                => 'instant-user',
                        'email'             => '',
                        'fullName'          => 'Bob 3',
                        'changePassword'    => 1,
                        'currentPassword'   => 'a',
                        'password'          => '',
                        'passwordConfirm'   => '',
                'passwordAfterSave'     => '',
                'loggedUser'            => null,
                'loggedUserPassword'    => null,
                'message'               => __LINE__,
                'security'              => 1,
                'params'                =>
                    array (
                        'id'                => 'instant-user',
                        'email'             => '',
                        'fullName'          => 'Bob 4',
                        'changePassword'    => 1,
                        'currentPassword'   => '',
                        'password'          => 'abcdAAAA',
                        'passwordConfirm'   => 'abcdAAAA',
                'passwordAfterSave'     => 'abcdAAAA',

        // prepare expected set of fields for user model
        $expectedUserFields = array('id', 'fullName', 'email', 'password');

        foreach ($tests as $test) {
            // @todo incorporate ability to change active user,
            // currently all edits are done under tester account

            $params = $test['params'];
            $userId = $params['id'];

            // set security level
            $counter = new P4_Counter;
            $counter->setId('security')->setValue($test['security'], true);

            // test edit

            $this->assertModule('user',         'Expected module.');
            $this->assertController('index',    'Expected controller');
            $this->assertAction('edit',         'Expected action');

            // verify that user's details have been changed
            $user = P4Cms_User::fetch($userId);
                'Expected new email: line ' . $test['message']
                'Expected new full name: line ' . $test['message']
                'Expected new password: line ' . $test['message']

            // ensure user has only expected set of fields, i.e. no extra
            // unwanted data (like passwordConfirm) have been saved
            $fieldsCheckOk = count($user->getFields()) === count($expectedUserFields)
                && !count(array_diff($user->getFields(), $expectedUserFields));
                "Unexpected fields in user model: "
                . implode(', ', array_diff($user->getFields(), $expectedUserFields))
User_Test_IndexControllerTest::testEditNoId ( )

Test response when attempted to edit user with no id.


        // ensure user is redirected to access-denied if attempted to edit user with no id
        $responseBody = $this->response->getBody();

        $this->assertModule('error',            'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('index',        'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('access-denied',    'Expected action');

            "/You don't have permission to edit this user/",
            "Expected Redirection to Access Denied page when try to edit user with no id."
User_Test_IndexControllerTest::testEditWrongId ( )

Test response when attempted to edit user with non-existing id.


        // ensure user is redirected to page-not-found if attempted to edit user with non-existing id
        $responseBody = $this->response->getBody();

        $this->assertModule('error',            'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('index',        'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('page-not-found',   'Expected action');

        // try with purely numeric id (its a slightly different case
        // as purely numeric ids are not allowed for usernames)
        $responseBody = $this->response->getBody();

        $this->assertModule('error',            'Expected module #2.');
        $this->assertController('index',        'Expected controller #2.');
        $this->assertAction('page-not-found',   'Expected action #2.');
User_Test_IndexControllerTest::testGoodEmailLogin ( )

Test login action with good email.


        $this->request->setPost(array('user' => '', 'password' => 'aaaAAA123'));


        $this->assertModule('user',         'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('index',    'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('login',        'Expected action');

        $this->assertRedirectTo('/',        'Expect redirect home. Got:'. print_r($this->response, true));
User_Test_IndexControllerTest::testGoodLogin ( )

Test login action with good data.


        $this->request->setPost(array('user' => 'instant-user', 'password' => 'aaaAAA123'));


        $this->assertModule('user',         'Expected module.');
        $this->assertController('index',    'Expected controller');
        $this->assertAction('login',        'Expected action');

        $this->assertRedirectTo('/',        'Expect redirect home. Got:'. print_r($this->response, true));
User_Test_IndexControllerTest::testIndexAction ( )

Test manage users grid.


        // verify that user grid is accessible

        $this->assertModule('user', 'Expected module for dispatching /user action.');
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller for dispatching /user action.');
        $this->assertAction('index', 'Expected action for dispatching /user action.');

        // verify that table and dojo data elements exist
        $this->assertXpath('//div[@dojotype=""]', 'Expected div');
            '//table[@dojotype="p4cms.ui.grid.DataGrid" and @jsid="p4cms.user.grid.instance"]',
            'Expected dojox.grid table'

        // verify add button appears
        $this->assertXpath('//button[@class="add-button"]', 'Expected role add link.');

        // check initial JSON output
        $body = $this->response->getBody();
        $this->assertModule('user', 'Expected module, dispatch #2. '. $body);
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller, dispatch #2 '. $body);
        $this->assertAction('index', 'Expected action, dispatch #2 '. $body);

        // verify there are no items in the grid (system user is not shown in the grid)
        $data = Zend_Json::decode($body);
                0 => array(
                    'id'        => 'mweiss',
                    'fullName'  => 'Michael T. Weiss',
                    'email'     => '',
                    'roles'     => '["administrator"]',
                    'editUri'   => '/user/edit/id/mweiss',
                    'deleteUri' => '/user/delete/id/mweiss'
            'Expected no users'

        // add few users and verify they appear
                'id'        => 'joe',
                'email'     => '',
                'fullName'  => 'Joe Joy'
                'id'        => 'bob',
                'email'     => '',
                'fullName'  => 'Bob Bobson'
                'id'        => 'bill',
                'email'     => '',
                'fullName'  => 'Billy'

        // add new role to test roles data grid column
                'id'        => 'foo',
                'users'     => array('bob')

        // sort by name
        $body = $this->response->getBody();
        $this->assertModule('user', 'Expected module, dispatch #3. '. $body);
        $this->assertController('index', 'Expected controller, dispatch #3 '. $body);
        $this->assertAction('index', 'Expected action, dispatch #3 '. $body);

        $data = Zend_Json::decode($body);
        $expected = array(
            0 => array(
                'id'        => 'bill',
                'fullName'  => 'Billy',
                'email'     => '',
                'roles'     => '[]',
                'editUri'   => '/user/edit/id/bill',
                'deleteUri' => '/user/delete/id/bill'
            1 => array(
                'id'        => 'bob',
                'fullName'  => 'Bob Bobson',
                'email'     => '',
                'roles'     => '["foo"]',
                'editUri'   => '/user/edit/id/bob',
                'deleteUri' => '/user/delete/id/bob'
            2 => array(
                'id'        => 'joe',
                'fullName'  => 'Joe Joy',
                'email'     => '',
                'roles'     => '[]',
                'editUri'   => '/user/edit/id/joe',
                'deleteUri' => '/user/delete/id/joe'
            3 => array(
                'id'        => 'mweiss',
                'fullName'  => 'Michael T. Weiss',
                'email'     => '',
                'roles'     => '["administrator"]',
                'editUri'   => '/user/edit/id/mweiss',
                'deleteUri' => '/user/delete/id/mweiss'

            'Expected 3 users'
User_Test_IndexControllerTest::testNullPassword ( )

Ensure that User_Form_Edit form returns null as password value when changePassword checkbox is not checked.

Saving changes will fail if password is anything else (like '' etc.) as P4_User will try to set the password with blank old password, which is wrong for all users having non-empty password.


        $params = array(
            'id'                        => 'instant-user',
            'email'                     => '',
            'fullName'                  => 'Bob Bobson',
            'changePassword'            => '',
            'currentPassword'           => '',
            'password'                  => '',
            'passwordConfirm'           => '',

        $form = new User_Form_Edit;
            'Expected valid form with sample data.'. print_r($form->getErrorMessages(), true)

        // if change password is not requested, ensure P4_User will not try
        // to set the password
        $user = P4Cms_User::fetch('instant-user');
            "Expected null value for password field if password change is not requested."

        // save and check new values
            "Expected new email address."
            'Bob Bobson',
            "Expected new full name."

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: